EIRP Proceedings, Vol 12 (2017)

Cloning and the Creation of Saviour Siblings from the Perspective of Criminal Law and Ethics

Florentina Pusca


In this paper we have examined the role of criminal law and ethics regarding the creation of savioursiblings, since there is no European or international settlement for this field, only for IFV technique. Theconcept of a saviour baby or saviour siblings means a child who is born to provide an organ or cell transplant(through the donation of body fluids, umbilical cord blood, a non-vital organ or tissue) to save a sibling fromillness or death. Cloning ensures that the new child is an appropriate match for the existing person, since theywould be genetically similar. Creating a child for the purpose of saving another child violates the formula ofhumanity because the child is created for this end. The results of this research are of interest to law schoolstudents, teachers and researchers in the legal field.


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