EIRP Proceedings, Vol 12 (2017)

Policies on Combating Corruption, Economic Stabilization and Association of Moldova to the EU: Theoretical Aspects, Problems, Solutions

Gheorghe Rusu, Tudor Robu, Anatol Donciu, Alexandr Donciu, Serghei Gangan


Elaborate a strategic approach and actions of balanced development combined with fight against corruption and economic frauds. These problems in the literature are studied mostly separately. Economists analyze practical deviations of the economic development policies from the requirements and principles of the modern and up-to-date economic theories and propose appropriate recommendations. In the article, a research of the interactions and close linkages between type of development (balanced or imbalanced) of the economic system and particularities of corruption is done, influence of these processes and occurrences one on another and vice versa are emphasized and recommendations for enhancing these linkages and interactions are proposed. Article proposes a new Strategy that combines the solutions of balanced economic development combined with increasing the quality of supervision and counteracting corruption. The analysis provided by the article will be useful for university students and researchers in performing their studies on corruption issues and the dynamics of the economic processes. Efficient fight against corruption in the process of radical change of the financial policy will create conditions for development, stabilization and economic association to the EU.


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