EIRP Proceedings, Vol 5 (2010)

The Administrator of the Enterprise - Powers and Limits

Dragoş-Mihail Daghie


The administrator can be delegated to represent the company in its relations with third parties. The administrator's powers are manifested on two levels: internally and externally. Thus, the manager is responsible with regard to the internal management of the company but also to the representation of the company in dealings with third parties. Basically the mandate is granted to the administrator intuitu personae, which excludes the possibility to be substituted for the exercise of the powers conferred. The powers of the manager are not unlimited, being held primarily by the object of the activity, by the hierarchy of organization of the company, by the social interest, by the decisions of the ordinary general assembly, the decisions of the Board or even by the constitutive document. Within the limits of its mandate, the administrator may enter into concluding management, conservation and disposal legal documents, required by the activity of the company. For all companies, the legal documents that the administrator concludes in his position of company representative in his dealings with third parties employ the company.


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