EIRP Proceedings, Vol 13 (2018)
International Transport Corridors and Ukraine: Benefits of Cross-Border Cooperation with Romania
One of the problems of modern Ukraine is the weak development of international transport corridors thatwould connect different regions of Ukraine with European countries. A separate issue is the lack oftransport routes in the south of Ukraine (Odessa Region) that could become a connecting link for thedevelopment of trade, tourism and facilitate humanitarian contacts between the populations of the borderregions. The main purpose of this work is to consider the potential of combining separate regions ofUkraine with the regions of European countries through highways and railroads, and to analyze theeconomic benefits of these transport connections. Particular attention is paid to the use of opportunitiesfor cross-border cooperation for the implementation of promising projects in the transport sector. Inparticular, the paper considers international transport projects implemented over a decade (project of atransport ring around the Black Sea, the project of the Baltic Sea-Black Sea cooperation), as well as morerecent projects that are worthy of attention (the project Via Carpathia). Also, the factors that maycomplicate the implementation of transport projects are taken into consideration.
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