EIRP Proceedings, Vol 13 (2018)
Modern Consumer and CRM - Customer Relationship Management Platforms
Customer Relationship Management is a technology for managing company relationships andinteractions with current and potential customers. The goal is simple: improving business relationships. CRMhelps companies stay connected permanently with consumers, streamlines processes and improves businessprofitability. An intelligent company can use its CRM system to attract new segments of consumers and alsoto predict whether current customers would still buy from them in the future and what products / services theywould need to meet their needs. A CRM system centralizes all the information in a company, and whenrequested to access, it will be possible to do so from any department of the company, as the content will bestored on a single database. Over the past 20 years, global markets have focused their interest from sellers tocustomers. Today, customers are more important and stronger than sellers, taking into account marketleadership. Different kinds of CRM platforms can be identified depending on: changes in customer portfolios,business operations speed, the need to manage important data, and the need to share information, resourcesand efforts.
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