EIRP Proceedings, Vol 15, No 1 (2020)
Leadership, Innovative Work behavior and Software Development Companies in Romania
Considered to be a phenomenon whose complexity is growing within the last decade,organizational innovation has a different specific, according to the analysis level it refers to. This paperworkwill only take into consideration the concept of innovation as a process, and will not focus on the results as aspecific outcome of the innovation process. Leadership is the new driver for innovation; among the manytheories and styles of leadership, the greatest impact on the process of innovation appertains to thetransformational leadership; the new organizational order focuses on the reinventing the business modelsand processes, rather than developing new products and processes. The results highlight the effect ofinnovation for the business models and market launching, as the transformational leaders become highlyspecialized organizational assets. The outcome for the organizational processes that imply bothtransformational leadership and the process of innovation can only be seen through the innovative workbehavior of both individuals and team members. This research will focus on quantifying these behaviorswithin software development companies in Romania, where the used instrument was Workplace InnovationScale (WIS) as introduced by McMurray and Dorai in 2003. Results will show that transformationalleadership practices are common within organizational behaviors, and their influence on innovation andorganizational members creativity is significant for all the four considered scales: organizational innovation,climate for innovation, individual and team innovation.
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