EIRP Proceedings, Vol 15, No 1 (2020)
Capital Punishment. Between History and Controversy
Over the years, previous research has attempted to identify a deterrent effect of the death penalty.We argue that the quality of life in prison can have a greater impact on criminal behavior than on the deathpenalty. Using data from the statewide investigation method covering the period 1950–1990, wedemonstrate that the death rate among prisoners is negatively correlated with crime rates, consistent withdeterrence. This finding is proving to be quite robust. In contrast, there is little systematic evidence that theexecution rate influences crime rates during this period (Michael, 2003, pp. 318–343). In this paper we willanalyze the topicality of the issue which is determined by the large number of serious crimes, and the rightto punish has always been recognized, because it is the main tool to protect individual and collectiveinterests. The importance of determining the sentence consists in correctly determining the duration of thesentence and its nature so that this duration corresponds adequately to the acts committed by the offenderand preventing the guilty party from causing new damage to society. From the point of view of the nature,the finality and the types of punishment, they have known a permanent evolution. Thus, the death penaltyby its nature has different features, which fundamentally distinguish it from all other types of punishment(Kaufman, 2020, pp. 59-62). The fight against this punishment was regulated in Protocol no. 6 on theabolition of the death penalty, concluded in Strasbourg on 28 April 1983 and in Protocol no. 13 of theConvention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms on the Abolition of the DeathPenalty in All Circumstances.
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