EIRP Proceedings, Vol 4 (2009)
Considerations Regarding the Observance of the Presumption of Innocence in the Media
In the context of the Rule of Law, a modern governing guarantees to anyone the presumption of innocence until is delivered an unappealable criminal decision. Nevertheless, in almost all the cases, the media, by virtue of freedom of speech, brings prejudices to the dignity, the honor and image of the officials, investigated in criminal cases, having as a unique argument the fact that a media campaign, searching the sensational, does nothing else than reproducing hostile manifestations - public servant - thus influencing the public opinion. They affect the principle of presumption of innocence, inducing unfortunate effects above the default of justice. Thus, the media takes the information from prosecutors that operate within the courts, shading them by the depreciating allegations addressed to the public persons as defendants in criminal cases, creating to the public opinion a distorted image of reality, before the justice has passed through a final criminal decision on guilt or their innocence.
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