EIRP Proceedings, Vol 4 (2009)
Modalités D’Action à L’horizon 2013, 2020, 2030, Conformément aux Orientations Stratégiques de L’UE de Réalisation de L’objectif-Cible; Inclusion Sociale, Démographie et Migration
The transport is seen as a priority in the development plans in Romania, taking into account the interdependence of relationships with other branches of the national economy, public services and the impact on the environment. The transport development is to facilitate the integration of Romania's urban systems in the European Union by improving road, rail, sea, river and air major destinations in Europe. The relative accessibility (a combination of services, transshipment, prices and hours of travel) is to gradually align into force by 2020 in metropolitan areas in Europe. It will improve links between the towns by promoting public transport services and international coordination and management to guarantee a minimum overall accessibility of public services for all citizens, with special attention to vulnerable groups (children, elderly, handicapped persons).
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