EIRP Proceedings, Vol 4 (2009)
Les réglementations en matière de l’inexécution du contrat dans le contexte du rapprochement du droit privé européen
With a view to European integration, harmonisation of the Moldovan legislation to European standards has become an imperative. An important area of harmonisation is the contract law. The Vienna Convention on the International Sale of Goods of 11 April 1980 is one of the most important international conventions serving as an efficient instrument for the harmonization of the international trade. Other two
significant projects for the harmonization of the contract law were elaborated in the course of the last years are the "UNIDROIT principles regarding the international commercial contracts" and "Principles of the European Contract Law" carried out by the Commission for European Contract Law. The present article analyses certain specific features of the concept of breach of the contract and of the system of remedies provided in both the instruments under consideration and national legislations meant to ensure the uniformity of the European contract law.
significant projects for the harmonization of the contract law were elaborated in the course of the last years are the "UNIDROIT principles regarding the international commercial contracts" and "Principles of the European Contract Law" carried out by the Commission for European Contract Law. The present article analyses certain specific features of the concept of breach of the contract and of the system of remedies provided in both the instruments under consideration and national legislations meant to ensure the uniformity of the European contract law.
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