EIRP Proceedings, Vol 5 (2010)

Attracting, Maintaining and Expanding the Customers – Fundamental Purpose of Goodwill

Ioana Popa, Manuela Niţă, Ilioara Genoiu


This article is intended to be an analysis, in terms of theory, jurisprudence and norms, of the essence and contents of interdependent concepts of "customers" and "goodwill". The approach is dictated, on the one hand, by the modernity, interest and complexity of the issues in question, considering the modern business relations, and, on the other hand, by the intention of perceiving it from a new, conclusive and comprehensive angle, meant to constitute the premise of a genuine scientific contribution, fundamental reason of all and any research demarche. The concept, the types and the characteristics of customers and good custom, their relation to goodwill and their correspondents in electronic trade are thoroughly and eloquently analyzed, as well as in terms of multidisciplinary. In addition, the study includes the significant controversies in this field and offers solutions. The detailed analysis of the theme lays a methodological basis of investigation framed by a system of methods, procedures and means of scientific knowledge, both of maximum generality and specific to law science. The results of this research represent an instrument of efficient study for the students of the Law and Economical Sciences Faculties. At the same time, the real practical importance of the theme can attract the interest of the traders and any other person interested in the goodwill's bearings.


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