EIRP Proceedings, Vol 6 (2011)
The Idea of Absolute in a World of Law
The approach the author has the feature of an essay and he starts from the idea that the meaning of
the absolute is found necessarily within the relative borders, to which it appears as a human representation of
disappointment and unconditional model. Based on this premise, it shows that, for the world of law, it should
be counted not only on the established model, but also on the practical, legal-formal constitution of the
model, able to support more effectively the compliance and the enforcement of the legal norms.
the absolute is found necessarily within the relative borders, to which it appears as a human representation of
disappointment and unconditional model. Based on this premise, it shows that, for the world of law, it should
be counted not only on the established model, but also on the practical, legal-formal constitution of the
model, able to support more effectively the compliance and the enforcement of the legal norms.
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