EIRP Proceedings, Vol 6 (2011)
Moral Virtues of Human Freedom to the Crossing Between Religious Tradition and Civil Law
In Europe increasingly dominated by voices denouncing secularism stands sacred survival, especially of Christianity, under the folds of morality, even forgetting or denying that it has organized the project of reconstruction of the world just based on the principle of equality between people in front of God. In a profane view, Christian moral codification in civil law means in fact legitimacy of some unacceptable things of some members of society. We can extend that value judgment even in the area of justice. More specifically, we refer to the arbitrary nature of law which is not accepted by everyone. Even if most people do not know only a small piece of Christian doctrine or the civil law of a democratic country, it is hard to imagine life without law or morality. The relation between canonical law and civil law is obvious and this leads to find support for human freedom in both the „divine history” and the „human history”.
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