EIRP Proceedings, Vol 3 (2008)


Irina Cucu


Globalization has largely overcome the economy’s worldwide dimension and that is why it
cannot be strictly limited to the economic processes. However, the globalization’s economic processes are a
major vector of this cause and the matrix force, too, for the globalization processes from other fields.
The worst war that takes place now is not the one causing dead and wounded people, în the Clausewitz
sense, of using the armed violence, but the economies’ competition that is, the economic war. This is a way to
generate political finalities, conflicts are turned into operational, that used to be perceived as an ongoing war.
The economic war is a phase of the competition where crisis stir and they determine conflicts. Therefore, the
economic war is everywhere.
The states’ integration within some political-economical organizations, as EU, will not exonerate their
economies by the economic war’s effects and the globalising processes. Their dimensions will be larger. The big
companies may develop without getting to economic conflicts. If, by any chance, they may appear, they may be
solved out both by negotiations and armed violence.


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