EIRP Proceedings, Vol 7 (2012)

From Representation to Participation: A More Democratic European Union?

Marcela Monica Stoica


Abstract: The present paper analyzes the evolution and characteristics of the democratic process in the European Union from the perspective of political science using the recent theories in this field.

            Following the entry into force, the Treaty of Lisbon establishes the principle of participatory democracy that puts the focus of the European citizen, a citizen who is actively involved in European Union life, strengthening EU - citizen relationship.

The essence of participatory democracy is the destruction of political apathy and the maximizing of active participation of citizens in the democratic tasks. So, the basic principle of the participatory democracy is solidarity.

            The results of this analysis show that although participatory  democracy is established in the European law, citizens are less involved in the decision-making in EU and are more and more individual, contradicting thus the very foundations of this type of democracy.


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