EIRP Proceedings, Vol 7 (2012)

Future of National Sovereignty of the Republic of Moldova in the Perspective of European Integration

Victor Rusu


By the end of XXth century, important transformations took place in the field of relations related to state structure, especially in relations specific to federalism, affecting the political life of many states. The national principle of constitution of certain states became the cause of many interethnic conflicts (the national principle generates separatism together with the development of underdeveloped nations).

Current international situation in the field of human rights protection, protection of the rights of people and fundamental principles of international law makes it impossible to improve the situations related to the achievement of their sovereignty by nations or, at least, avoid new conflicts, like the one in Yugoslavia. It is impossible only if the „vectors” of international law are not changed, if the visions on the problem of correlation between human rights and rights of the people and achievement of their „sovereignty” by them are not corrected.   

At the same time we should mention that if national sovereignty is based namely on the right of the nation (not of individuals or of state) to self-determination is such a complex political institution, it is not necessary to apply it. 


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