EIRP Proceedings, Vol 2 (2007)
Communication is unanimously recognized as the fundamental form of psychosocial interaction. In
communication, interaction and influence are the mediating tools. Communication is undeniably the condition
sine qua non, which makes human relations exist and flourish. When people come into contact there is the
normal tendency to inform each other, to share messages – in a nutshell, to communicate. This need leads to
inter-communication, which is so fundamentally important that many authors stated it is what generated society.
Communication includes all symbols of the spirit, face expression, attitudes, gestures, and tone of voice, writing,
images, and all that pertains to modern technologies. There isn’t any piece in space that would not vibrate or
yield messages. In human communication the most important things are: the type of messages, sent and received,
the content, the psychological moments in communication and the intent to change the behaviors of the partners
by communication.
Comunicarea este unanim recunoscuta ca fiind forma fundamentala de interactiune psihosociala. In
comunicare interactiunea si influenta isi afla mecanismul mediator, instrumentul lor de realizare. Fara indoiala,
comunicarea constituie conditia sine qua non prin care relatiile umane exista si se dezvolta. Atunci cand
oamenii intra in contact unii cu altii apare tendinta de a se informa reciproc, de a face schimb de mesaje - de a
comunica. Acesta trebuinta da nastere relatiilor de intercomunicare a caror importanta este atat de insemnata,
incat unii autori au considerat ca acestea stau la baza aparitiei societati. Comunicarea include toate
simbolurile spiritului, expresia fetei, atitudinile, gesturile, tonul vocii, cuvintele, scrierile, imprimarile,
imaginile, tot ceea ce tine de ultimele cuceriri ale tehnicii. Nu exista nici o bucatica de spatiu care sa nu vibreze
de mesaje. In comunicarea dintre oameni importante sunt: natura mesajelor transmise si receptionate,
continutul lor, existenta sau inexistenta momentelor psihologice ale comunicarii, a intentiei de a modifica
comportamentele partenerilor prin comunicare.
communication, interaction and influence are the mediating tools. Communication is undeniably the condition
sine qua non, which makes human relations exist and flourish. When people come into contact there is the
normal tendency to inform each other, to share messages – in a nutshell, to communicate. This need leads to
inter-communication, which is so fundamentally important that many authors stated it is what generated society.
Communication includes all symbols of the spirit, face expression, attitudes, gestures, and tone of voice, writing,
images, and all that pertains to modern technologies. There isn’t any piece in space that would not vibrate or
yield messages. In human communication the most important things are: the type of messages, sent and received,
the content, the psychological moments in communication and the intent to change the behaviors of the partners
by communication.
Comunicarea este unanim recunoscuta ca fiind forma fundamentala de interactiune psihosociala. In
comunicare interactiunea si influenta isi afla mecanismul mediator, instrumentul lor de realizare. Fara indoiala,
comunicarea constituie conditia sine qua non prin care relatiile umane exista si se dezvolta. Atunci cand
oamenii intra in contact unii cu altii apare tendinta de a se informa reciproc, de a face schimb de mesaje - de a
comunica. Acesta trebuinta da nastere relatiilor de intercomunicare a caror importanta este atat de insemnata,
incat unii autori au considerat ca acestea stau la baza aparitiei societati. Comunicarea include toate
simbolurile spiritului, expresia fetei, atitudinile, gesturile, tonul vocii, cuvintele, scrierile, imprimarile,
imaginile, tot ceea ce tine de ultimele cuceriri ale tehnicii. Nu exista nici o bucatica de spatiu care sa nu vibreze
de mesaje. In comunicarea dintre oameni importante sunt: natura mesajelor transmise si receptionate,
continutul lor, existenta sau inexistenta momentelor psihologice ale comunicarii, a intentiei de a modifica
comportamentele partenerilor prin comunicare.
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