EIRP Proceedings, Vol 7 (2012)

Migration and Security of States

Cristian Jura


The main topic of this article is represented by an attempt to encounter an answer to the question whether there is any connection between migration/minorities and security and how do they mutually influence. Pursuant to the analyses performed during the last years, we may definitely state that there is a biunivoque connection between migration/minorities and security. The migration/minorities may influence security positively or negatively. Both states are influenced, the state they are leaving, and the state where they are to settle. I have chosen to select in parallel two concepts: migration and minorities. The scientific ground that determined me to decide to use such an approach is that migrants, sooner or later, turn into groups that share the same values, the same culture, the same traditions, the same language etc. Therefore, the migrants turn into a minority living on the territory of the state where they have migrated. Practically, migration may be defined by the movement of an important number of individuals, but, as these groups of individuals settle, they turn into minorities.


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