EIRP Proceedings, Vol 10 (2015)

Considerations with Regards to the Subjective Part of the Involuntary Manslaughter

Sandra Gradinaru


In the context of the constant growth of the number of cars registered in Romania, allowing the vehicles to access public roads is a major risk for the drivers. The modernization process of the means of transport for the rural areas of the country is highly delayed, so a coexistence between the old means and the current means of transportation results often in serious accidents in which both vehicles and rolleys. In such cases, the issue of guilt rises, guilt which is oftentimes shared both by the automobile driver and the rolley driver. Mostly the drivers of the rolleys are victims, and under these conditions one might ask themselves if the Courts won’t incline to establish de plano a common guilt, although the rules of evidence suggest an exclusive guilt on the victim’s part.


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