EIRP Proceedings, Vol 11 (2016)
Premises of the Religious Cultural Tourism Development in the Galati – Braila Urban Perimeter
Anca Turtureanu1, Mihaela Diaconu (Istrate)2
Abstract: The authors aim at analyzing the possibilities of urban tourism development. In the urban areas Galati – Braila it begins to require cultural tourism. Religious tourism, as being the oldest manifestation of cultural tourism finds its resources in this area. The difference between this form of tourism and others is just the religious motivation of tourists. The forms of religious tourism are diverse, but it prevails in the area visiting the holy places. The two urban centers, Galati and Braila offers besides traditional cultural tourism resources, the promenade - Danube promenade trails, opportunities for health care, Lacul Sarat or recognized places of worship such as monasteries and Salt Lake subdued in the Archdiocese of Lower Danube.
Keywords: urban tourism; culture; religion; tourist traffic
Located at the east central part of Romania, at the confluence of the Danube and Prut and Siret rivers, Galati County has an area of 4466 km², which represents 1.9% of the country’s surface. An area of confluence between Covurlui Plateau at the North (50% of the county’s surface), the Tecuci and Covurlui plains (34%) and Lower Siret and Prut’s floodplain in the south (16%), Galaţi County represents a unitary structure from the physical and geographical point of view. Galati city on 1 January 2016 had a population of 304 340 inhabitants.
Braila County is located in the east of the country, in the fluvial-lacustrine Romanian Plain. By its surface of 4765.8 square kilometers, it represents 2% of the country. Braila municipality on 1 January 2016 had a population of 210 602 inhabitants.
I. The Tourist Circulation in the Galati - Braila Urban Perimeter
The tourist circulation has been analyzed in terms of four indicators, over a period of 10 years.
Although Galati city’s population has higher value with approximately 100,000 inhabitants, the following recorded indicators have comparable values.
Table 1. Indicators of tourist circulation
Tourist accommodation structures / UM: Number |
Tourist accommodation capacity / UM: no of places |
Arrivals of tourists in accommodation structures / UM: Persons |
Overnight stays in reception / UM: Number |
2005 |
19 |
19 |
1749 |
1449 |
57659 |
57508 |
248040 |
105968 |
2006 |
20 |
19 |
1809 |
1452 |
58024 |
61546 |
247580 |
117407 |
2007 |
20 |
19 |
1894 |
1452 |
59457 |
65576 |
293980 |
130359 |
2008 |
20 |
19 |
1871 |
1452 |
61379 |
57242 |
289334 |
141391 |
2009 |
19 |
19 |
1839 |
1452 |
45671 |
44130 |
199088 |
98886 |
2010 |
20 |
19 |
1836 |
1452 |
48476 |
32236 |
181086 |
75001 |
2011 |
24 |
27 |
2020 |
1386 |
61490 |
46843 |
224535 |
97708 |
2012 |
26 |
24 |
2090 |
1324 |
58098 |
55783 |
213092 |
100624 |
2013 |
28 |
24 |
2160 |
1308 |
53154 |
63521 |
193241 |
124334 |
2014 |
29 |
26 |
2185 |
1541 |
52194 |
60333 |
184834 |
113469 |
Source: http://statistici.insse.ro/shop/
Figure 1. Tourist accommodation structures
The tourist accommodation structures / UM: it can be seen that although in 2005 both urban centers enjoyed 19 accommodation units, after ten years Braila city's accommodation capacity has increased by approximately 50% and by 36% in Galati City.
Figure 2. Tourist accommodation capacity
Tourist accommodation capacity during the 10 years increased by about 24% in Braila and with only 6% in the case of Galati after decreasing for three years.
Figure 3. Arrivals of tourists in accommodation structures
Tourists’ arrivals in the two examples has highlighted that in the 10 years analyzed, although they started in almost equal amounts in 2005 Galati receives more tourists. It can be explained by traveling motivation. Braila receives in Lacu Sarat resort tourists who come for therapeutic purposes and Galati more developed economically, register tourists who come on business.
Figure 4. Overnight stays in reception
The indicator values “overnight stays in tourist accommodation” confirm the aforesaid. The number of overnight stays in Braila is consistently higher throughout the analyzed period because most tourists are interested in spa treatments in the resort Lacul Sarat.
The Analysis of Tourist Flows in the Archdiocese of Dunarea de Jos, Metoc Monastery (Galati) and Lacu Sarat Monastery (Braila)
Galati is positioned in the center of Metoc Monastery, at approximately 4 m of Secondary School Nr. 24, built on the territory of the monastery 184 years ago, and the Lacu Sarat Monastery is at 5Km South-West of the city of Braila Municipality, the Contact is made with a permanent tram line. Lacu Sarat Monastery is built entirely of wood in Lacu Sarat Resort, an important spiritual and missionary center, which numerous pilgrims found from all over the country.
The comparative analysis distribution of tourist flow in the Archdiocese of Dunarea de Jos is illustrated in the figure below.
Territorial-administrative Organization of Romania
Archdiocese of Dunarea de Jos
As map “Comparative distribution of tourist flow in the lower Danube “Archdiocese achieved can be seen that the monastery has subdued a lower total visitors (22 766 persons) than the number of visitors from Salt Lake monastery, which is higher (30 551 persons) Aces of the location place of worship in a famous spa, complete with accommodation for seniors who like these form of religious tourism.
Looking at the number of visitors depending on age groups can be observed the following:
- In the age group 0-15 years in the monastery Metoc are more visitors compared monastery Sarat Lake because it is in the city of Galati where baptized and together with godparents edge should follow the rite of Communion.
- In the age group 16- 30 years at the monastery Metoc are more visitors compared monastery monastery subdued because Sarat Lake is 2 m Şc.Gimn 24 where students are directed to an active religious life (the same church of St. arch. Michael and Gabriel).
- In the age group 31- 45 years at Salt Lake monastery are more visitors compared to the monastery subdued because this age group has a higher mobility due to a driving license which facilitates the movement of the 34 km distance between Galati and Salt Lake.
- In the age group 46-60 years in the monastery of Salt Lake are more visitors compared to subdued due monastery located inside pilgrimage to Saint climatic health resort where they are treated for rheumatism especially seniors.
- In the age group 61-75 years the number of visitors is fairly similar between the two monasteries due to old age, being hampered transportation to ecclesiastical establishments.
- In the age group 76-90 years the number of visitors is fairly similar between the two monasteries due to the proximity of local and monasteries all seasons and age calls for religious services.
As regards the frequency of visitors in the two sights taken notice fluctuations in the number of pilgrims analysis by age as follows:
- In the age group 0-15 years the frequency of visitors to the monastery subdued monastery is higher than Salt Lake
- In the age group 16-30 years visitors to the monastery Salt Lake frequency is higher than the monastery subdued, because in the summer resort of the same name there is a school camp where young people meditate in the monastery.
- In the age group 31-60 years the frequency of visitors to both monasteries is substantially the same as young people choose to officiate at religious ceremony in one of the monasteries units positioned near the service desk. (Ex. Hotel Galati).
- In the age group 61-75 years the frequency of visitors to the monastery Metoc is greater than the Salt Lake monastery as monks monastery is positioned in the old center of Galati where the population is predominantly elderly category, religious practitioners.
- In the age group 76-90 years the frequency of visitors to the monastery subdued monastery is higher than Salt Lake.
Urban tourism is attracting more tourists. Galati-Braila area still has untapped tourism resources considered to generate new forms of tourism: hunting, cultural tourism, traveling, tourism, congress tourism and travel “green” or eco-tourism and religious tourism.
Monuments and religious architecture abound in the bill.
It is necessary to protect and promote these objectives as better maintenance of their restorations of buildings and setting specific museums
In terms of tourism in the area can say that this is not fully exploited, imposing measures for better promotion of leaflets, documentaries, travel guides, tourist routes etc. But also by upgrading the overall infrastructure and tourism material and technical base.
The possibilities and directions of exploiting tourism potential are many, this being achieved through the integration of tourism resources in the tourism and untapped promoting new forms of tourism.
Development proposals can be made on two main coordinates, namely: Development of infrastructure on the one hand, and the diversification of tourism products and services on the other.
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Online Sources
1 Professor, PhD, Department of Economics, Danubius University of Galati, Romania, Address: 3 Galati Blvd., Galati 800654, Romania, Tel.: +40372361102, Corresponding author: ancaturtureanu@univ-danubius.ro.
2 PhD in progress, Doctoral School “Simion Mehedinti”, Bucharest & Teacher, Theological Seminar “Sf. Andrei”, Romania, Address: 48 Mihai Bravu Str., Galati 800208, Romania, Tel.: +40236 411 431, E-mail: diaconu50@yahoo.com.
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