EIRP Proceedings, Vol 13 (2018)
Some Aspects of Partnership between State, Business and Education in Training of Specialists
Tkachenko Кostyantyn1
Abstract: The aim and the objective of the work is to research the problems of effectiveness of educational processes through the use of partnerships between state, business and education; the research is based on the model “Triple Helix” by Ickowic and on the situational-production model proposed by the author which describes the relationship between participants (state, business and education) of the partnership; the final conclusions were made on the basis of: the conducted case studies in the partnership field (economic and socio-economic aspects were considered), the mathematical model of complex systems modeling, the models of knowledge representation and the questioning of participants of partnerships; the development of system of specialists’ training for business (by example transport companies) will enable the network structure of educational, crewing and consulting firms to provide educational services, to ensure availability of training for the general population; the interaction of the training’ system and raising the level of managerial staff of state and non-state structures; the proposed approach to develop a system of training for business enterprises on the basis of the partnership between state, business and education is used in the appropriate author's computer system of support for the adoption of managerial decisions on personnel training for transport enterprises.
Keywords: partnership between state; business and education; training of specialists; situational-production model of the training system
JEL Classification: E23; І25; І28; L32; L38
The partnership between state, business and education is a system of institutional relations between the public and private sectors. The effectiveness of using partnerships involves identification of benefits and minimization of costs for its participants, taking into account risks and responsibilities.
Therefore, there is an urgent problem of determining the priorities of business development and development of enterprises that provide educational services.
Related Work
The problems of partnership between state, education and business were considered in the works of M. Blauga, T. Veblen, R. Daniel, G. Ickovic, J. Keynes, G. Mencken, D. North, V. Oyken, M. Porter, L.I. Abalkin, A.B. Bazhenov. The questions of training are considered by G. Becket, P. Drucker, J. Mincer, T. Norbert.
Problem Statement
Problems of partnership between the state, business and education in the training of our time have yet to be solved. All this led to the urgency of the problems associated with the organizational, economic and social aspects of training in terms of European integration and world globalization.
Concept and Terms
The partnership between the state, business and education in training of specialists is based on the distribution of benefits, rewards, risks and responsibilities using business training, mixed financing and improving the quality of education..
Solution Approach
The effective functioning of training system is based on the usage of situational-productive model that takes into account the dynamics of market demand for educational services and qualified personnel, budget and value of paid learning, etc.
The situational-production model of the training system, on the basis of which the training programs are formed, takes into account the following:
levels of development of business and education enterprises;
level of training of students (basic, professional, etc.);
types of business activities;
types and amount of educational services provided.
The system of personnel training on the basis of the partnership between state, business and education provides an opportunity to substantiate the directions of the state policy regarding the development of human resources of business enterprises and education.
The current state of the training system shows that small and medium-sized enterprises often do not participate in training programs, and their personnel policy exists only formally or is absent at all. In order to eliminate such a situation in the specialists’ training system, it is necessary for the forms and methods of state, business and education partnership to depend on market relations.
The implementation of the partnership between state, business and education is one of the conditions for the harmonization of relations between the state and business.
The participants of the state, business and education partnership are the state, employers, consumers of educational services, training companies, investors and crewing companies.
The tendency of extensive development of this sphere remains in Ukraine, despite the interest of the state in business. Unfortunately, this trend is supported by the current training system’s state.
Formation of partnership relations between business enterprises and the state imposes professional and qualification competences to the personnel, which are formed by employers and are the basis of business development and training system for the business.
The partnership between state, business and education takes into account the characteristics of business enterprises (in particular, transport companies), the characteristics of training enterprises, staff assessment, evaluation of specialists’ competence, evaluation on the position in the labor market and the market of educational services.
The definition of competences and the creation of specialists’ training system for business enterprises that is oriented to them is possible by using the partnership between state, business and education in the training of personnel.
The training requires a lot of expenses, which is a heavy burden for small and medium-sized enterprises. Therefore, the partnership between state, business and education will be able to stimulate the development of institutional forms, necessary training programs and relevant reforms.
The functions of conducting educational, educational and consulting business, and the provision of educational services should be put on the system of training, and the functions of controlling of the quality, modernity of educational services and the formation of requirements for personnel should be put on business. The state should supervise the activity of training enterprises.
The development of a training system for transport companies will enable the creation of network structure of educational, crewing and consulting firms that will provide educational services; to ensure the availability of training for the general population; the interaction between the system of training and the raising of the level of managerial staff of state and non-state structures.
The partnership between state, business and education requires businesses enterprises to understand the need for links with the training and retraining system. The choice of specific forms of partnership between the state, business and education in the training system for business enterprises depends on many factors, in particular:
the level of enterprise development;
the range of training programs;
the financial situation of both business enterprises and training enterprises;
the range of educational services provided.
The most widespread form of partnership between the state, business and education is contractual.
The independent organization of such programs is constrained by the low degree of accessibility to financial resources and the disunity of business enterprises. This calls for state support, for example, by partially financing of the training process.
With the help of state programs and personnel training enterprises, business enterprises are involved in the innovation restructuring of the national economy, and business will receive additional opportunities for increasing competitiveness, which depends on the raise of professional qualifications of its employees.
A priority line of work to meet the demand of business enterprises in qualified personnel is the development of a system of social partnership and relations between institutions of training, employers' unions, executive authorities and local self-government.
The complex of works on the assessment of the situation in the labor market, identification of the educational needs of the population and the possibilities of training enterprises that provide educational services, can be presented as follows:
the first level – the system of relations between the subjects of the labor market for the development and coordination of volumes and levels of personnel training;
the second level – a specialists’ training system and employers. The system functions in order to determine the scope and direction of training of skilled personnel for business enterprises.
Training programs for business enterprises are classified by:
the degree of development of the training company;
the level of students’ basic background;
the type and level of innovative activity of the training company;
the type and level of innovative activity of the business enterprise;
the information technologies that are used in the process of business enterprise management;
the information technologies that are used in the process of management of personnel training enterprises;
the level of educational technology;
the requirements of the labor market or specific business enterprises;
the requirements of the educational services market.
The partnership between state, business and education in the personnel training for business enterprises can be implemented through the creation of a special Coordination Center.
In particular, he will be provided with the following features:
monitoring and analysis of the directions of the training system development;
coordination and promotion of partnership in the training system;
informational support of the training system;
formation of training programs;
development of standards for professional training;
preparation and conducting of training companies’ rating assessment;
defining of the methods for evaluation of the levels of professional qualification competences of business enterprises;
provision of consulting services to business enterprises and training systems;
marketing of educational services in the training system.
The development of the training system for business enterprises on the basis of the partnership between state, business and education is impossible without creating the organizational and economic structure of the system that is based on the professional qualification competencies.
The proposed approach to develop a system of training for business enterprises on the basis of the partnership between state, business and education is used in the appropriate system of support for the adoption of managerial decisions on personnel training for transport enterprises.
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1 Assistant Lecturer, PhD, Department of Computer Science, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Kiev, Ukraine, Address: Yevhena Konovaltsia St, 36, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601, Tel.: +380 44 285 4403, Corresponding author: tkachenko.kostyantyn@gmail.com.
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