EIRP Proceedings, Vol 13 (2018)
The Roots of French and German Anti-Americanism
After the Cold War and more specifically at the beginning of the 21st century we are witnessing aresurgence of Anti-Americanism in the West. This paper explores the origins of Anti-American ideas anddiscourse, arguing that they go beyond just a simple reaction to various U.S. decisions and actions on theworld stage. Drawing upon constructivist theories and approaches in the study of international relations thatput a premium on the role of heuristics and ideas in international politics, it attempts to uncover the culturalsubstratum that lies underneath current criticism oriented against the U.S., focusing on two significant actorsof the Euro-Atlantic community: Germany and France, The main findings of this historical approachhighlight the existence of a negative cultural predisposition when considering U.S. behavior and mereexistence in the world. As such, Anti-Americanism generates cognitive biases which are greatly inflated dueto the technological tools available in the information era. Moreover, this predisposition may beunintentionally or willingly activated, given the increasing impact of public opinion on the preferences ofdemocratic states in the realm of international relations. Hence, the study may be of use not just for researchdedicated to history and international relations, but also for academic and decision-making circles interestedinto information warfare.Keywords: Anti-Americanism
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