EIRP Proceedings, Vol 13 (2018)
The Break of Seals in the New Romanian Criminal Code
In the present study, we have investigated the sealing breaking in the light of the new regulationsbrought in with the entry into force of the new Criminal Code. Thus, we have examined the elements of theoffense, the constitutive content, with direct reference to the judicial practice in the field and the recentdoctrine. The novelties consist in examining the pre-existing elements of the offense, its constitutive content,as well as the legislative precedents in the Romanian law, which we have insisted on highlighting, theconsistency of the Romanian legislator over time for the incrimination of this deed. The present work is partof a complex work to be published at a publishing house recognized in the field. The work may be useful toboth theoreticians (academics, PhD students, master students, and students) as well as to the practitionersof criminal law.
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