EIRP Proceedings, Vol 14, No 1 (2019)
The Analyze of the Link between
Minimizing Production Costs and Maximizing Profits
Cătălin Angelo Ioan1
Abstract: The article examines the link between minimizing production costs and maximizing profits. We will analyze the phenomenon of demographics and poverty for developing countries and regions of the World for developing countries and regions of the World for each of the developing countries or regions of the World. The source of the statistical data present in the analysis is the World Bank, all the indicators and regression models being the contribution of the authors.
Keywords: cost; profit; minimizing; maximizing
Let us consider a firm F whose activity is formalized with a production function Q that depends on a number of production factors x1,..., xn, n≥2. In order to ensure its competitiveness on the market, its main purpose is to reduce its total cost, which will implicitly lead to the output of its products at the lowest possible cost. On the other hand, the company wants to maximize its profit. For example, we consider the production function as Cobb-Douglas type, which is equivalent to a constant production elasticity in relation to the production factors, which is not restrictive, at least in the short term.
1. Main Notions
In the following we will analyze the phenomenon of demographics and poverty for developing countries and regions of the World for developing countries and regions of the World for each of the developing countries or regions of the World
The source of the statistical data present in the analysis is the World Bank, all the indicators and regression models being the contribution of the authors.
Before starting the analysis, we will briefly outline the significance of some (less usual) indicators.
The annual population growth rate for a given year is calculated as the exponential growth rate of the population from the previous year to the current one, expressed as a percentage.
Birth rate, crude is calculated by reporting the number of live births that occurred in one year per 1,000 inhabitants.
Life expectancy at birth indicates the number of years of life of a newborn if the data that influence the mortality are kept constant.
The mortality rate, adult is the probability of dying between the ages of 15 and 60.
The maternal mortality ratio (according to WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA, World Bank Group, and the United Nations Population Division) is “the number of women dying from pregnancy during pregnancy or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy for 100,000 live births”.
People using at least basic sanitation services refer to people using basic sanitation services.
The rural poverty gap (according to World Bank, Global Poverty Working Group) is “the low poverty line as a percentage of the poverty line”.
The Gini index measures the extent to which income distribution between individuals or households in an economy deviates from a perfectly equal distribution (0 - perfect equality, 100 - perfect inequality).
International migrant stock is the number of people born in a country other than the one they live in.
Refugees are persons who are recognized as individuals who have been granted refugee status and persons enjoying temporary protection.
2. The Analysis
2.1. Aruba
The analysis of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 74712.37. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 91% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 51.44 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 5% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 1.21 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 80% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 48.27 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 73% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 51.73 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 28% in the World.
The analysis of: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 19.80 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 81% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.394*Year+802.303. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.394. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 72.07 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 33% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 74.48 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 38% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 69.77 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 34% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.90. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.148*Year-223.447. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.148.
The indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 157.64 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 15% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.91. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -1.814*Year+3763.848. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 1.814.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 97.86 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 26% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.057*Year+212.130. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.057.
International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 7.12 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 9% in the World.
2.2. Afghanistan
The analysis of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 17040452.79. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 32% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 48.70 smaller than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 94% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 2.40 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 14% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 17.61 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 92% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.327*Year-632.601. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.327.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 82.39 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 9% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.327*Year+732.601. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.327.
The analysis of: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 47.97 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 15% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 47.62 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 83% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.605*Year-1155.621. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.605. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 48.62 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 85% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.616*Year-1176.388. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.616. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 46.67 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 82% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.595*Year-1135.843. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.595.
The indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 423.73 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 69% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -6.906*Year+14148.603. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 6.906. The analysis of indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 927.38 bigger than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 83% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -42.284*Year+85600.615. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 42.284.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 30.97 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 84% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 1.065*Year-2107.693. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 1.065. The analysis of indicator: Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) during - highlights an average of 3.52. Also for Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) the region ranks on the first 59% in the World.
International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.12 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 81% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 3064346.22 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 11% in the World.
2.3. Angola
The analysis of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 13292350.05. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 35% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 388190.100*Year-758429568.129. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 388190.100.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 51.17 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 22% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 2.89 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 3% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 25.58 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 68% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.615*Year-1196.263. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.615.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 74.42 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 33% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.615*Year+1296.263. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.615.
The analysis of: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 51.18 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 3% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 43.94 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 89% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 46.04 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 86% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.90. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.493*Year-933.769. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.493. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 41.95 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 92% in the World.
The indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 446.85 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 83% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.91. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -4.758*Year+9903.272. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 4.758. The analysis of indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 834.38 bigger than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 86% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -33.464*Year+67845.908. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 33.464.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 29.92 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 83% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 1.264*Year-2507.647. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 1.264.
International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.08 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 92% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 232412.96 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 44% in the World.
2.4. Albania
The analysis of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 2700066.77. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 70% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 49.14 smaller than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 78% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 1.07 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 94% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 39.02 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 51% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 60.98 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 50% in the World.
The analysis of: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 24.01 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 77% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.531*Year+1080.362. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.531. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 71.27 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 22% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.246*Year-416.737. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.246. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 73.50 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 26% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.278*Year-479.546. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.278. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 69.14 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 21% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.214*Year-356.919. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.214.
The indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 132.74 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 6% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 41.19 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 34% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 93.66 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 24% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.655*Year-1220.959. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.655. The analysis of indicator: Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) during - highlights an average of 1.59. Also for rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) the region ranks on the first 86% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1996-2012 highlights an average of 8.72. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 19% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1996-2012 highlights an average of 1.08. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 23% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1996-2012 highlights an average of 6.96. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 83% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1996-2012 highlights an average of 2.57. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 22% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by second 20% during 1996-2012 highlights an average of 3.85. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 25% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1996-2012 highlights an average of 5.02. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 24% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1996-2012 highlights an average of 6.65. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 22% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1996-2012 highlights an average of 11.32. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 81% in the World. International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.49 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 65% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 9244.41 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 41% in the World.
2.5. Andorra
The analysis of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 50205.37. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 93% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 1393.537*Year-2720147.111. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 1393.537.
The analysis of indicator: Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 3.20 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 99% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 86.67 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 16% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 13.33 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 85% in the World.
The analysis of: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1986-2012 highlights an average of 10.71 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 97% in the World.
International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 14.71 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 2% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 5.23 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 95% in the World.
2.6. Arab World
The analysis of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 222496109.60. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 15% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 5641778.043*Year-10993358639.191. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 5641778.043.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 49.09 smaller than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 95% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.025*Year+99.721. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.025.
The analysis of indicator: Population growth (annual %) during 1961-2015 highlights an average of 2.68 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 28% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 47.32 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 51% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.459*Year-864.828. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.459.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 52.68 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 50% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.459*Year+964.828. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.459.
The analysis of: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 36.55 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 28% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.454*Year+937.949. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.454. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 61.23 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 61% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.460*Year-852.206. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.460. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 62.89 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 65% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.475*Year-881.909. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.475. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 59.66 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 54% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.445*Year-825.018. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.445.
The indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 248.20 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 32% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -3.658*Year+7519.246. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 3.658. The analysis of indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 222.31 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 65% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -5.798*Year+11833.385. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 5.798.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 77.67 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 58% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.447*Year-818.751. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.447.
International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 1.57 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 36% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 2967077.70 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 5% in the World.
2.7. United Arab Emirates
The analysis of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 2723790.95. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 53% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 33.38 smaller than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 100% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 8.18 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 50% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 80.25 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 16% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 19.75 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 85% in the World.
The analysis of: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 26.24 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 90% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.676*Year+1369.354. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.676. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 69.03 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 23% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.418*Year-761.579. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.418. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 70.58 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 33% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.389*Year-702.066. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.389. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 67.56 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 20% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.446*Year-818.259. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.446.
The indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 171.16 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 7% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -4.374*Year+8864.513. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 4.374. The analysis of indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 8.77 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 6% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 99.98 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 7% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.000*Year+99.764. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.000.
International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 18.44 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 0% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 166.10 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 82% in the World.
2.8. Argentina
The analysis of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 31852734.81. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 28% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 425710.846*Year-814460427.159. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 425710.846.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.58 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 19% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 1.35 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 61% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 84.85 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 9% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.322*Year-556.277. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.322.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 15.15 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 92% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.322*Year+656.277. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.322.
The analysis of: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 21.50 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 53% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 70.85 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 29% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.217*Year-360.500. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.217. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 74.45 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 26% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.232*Year-386.635. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.232. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 67.42 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 37% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.203*Year-335.609. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.203.
The indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 207.79 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 29% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -2.035*Year+4251.569. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 2.035. The analysis of indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 60.62 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 44% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 94.84 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 36% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1980-2014 highlights an average of 36.40. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 77% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1980-2014 highlights an average of 1.01. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 89% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1980-2014 highlights an average of 26.98. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 29% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1980-2014 highlights an average of 3.07. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 85% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by second 20% during 1980-2014 highlights an average of 6.68. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 78% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1980-2014 highlights an average of 10.64. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 74% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1980-2014 highlights an average of 16.77. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 18% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1980-2014 highlights an average of 40.00. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 24% in the World. International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 1.05 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 45% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 495.48 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 82% in the World.
2.9. Armenia
The analysis of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 2909755.18. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 69% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 52.04 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 4% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 0.84 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 86% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 63.12 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 45% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 36.88 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 56% in the World.
The analysis of: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 20.90 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 69% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 70.18 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 46% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 73.38 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 44% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 67.14 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 46% in the World.
The indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 198.02 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 41% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 41.23 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 30% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.90. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -1.147*Year+2338.800. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 1.147.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 90.99 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 43% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.083*Year-74.943. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.083. The analysis of indicator: Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) during - highlights an average of 5.49. Also for Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) the region ranks on the first 84% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1999-2015 highlights an average of 30.81. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 20% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1999-2015 highlights an average of 3.31. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 21% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1999-2015 highlights an average of 25.59. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 76% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1999-2015 highlights an average of 7.91. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 21% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by second 20% during 1999-2015 highlights an average of 11.72. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 21% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1999-2015 highlights an average of 15.29. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 21% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1999-2015 highlights an average of 20.13. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 35% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1999-2015 highlights an average of 39.08. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 83% in the World. International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 3.50 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 41% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 67366.89 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 41% in the World.
2.10. American Samoa
The analysis of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 42210.81. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 95% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 790.884*Year-1530066.668. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 790.884.
The analysis of indicator: Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 1.82 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 89% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 79.24 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 14% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.458*Year-830.584. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.458.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 20.76 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 87% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.458*Year+930.584. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.458.
The analysis of: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 2006-2014 highlights an average of 6.42 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 54% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 62.40 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 71% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.031*Year+124.258. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.031.
International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 9.90 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 7% in the World.
2.11. Antigua and Barbuda
The analysis of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 75765.37. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 92% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 52.01 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 8% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 1.07 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 59% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 32.81 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 94% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 67.19 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 7% in the World.
The analysis of: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 22.80 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 60% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 70.03 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 31% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.256*Year-438.696. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.256. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 72.59 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 33% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.256*Year-435.737. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.256. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 67.60 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 30% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.256*Year-441.515. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.256.
The indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 208.47 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 29% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -2.197*Year+4574.552. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 2.197.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 85.28 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 49% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.367*Year-651.754. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.367.
International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 6.37 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 12% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 24.30 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 84% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.91. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 3.564*Year-7126.685. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 3.564.
2.12. Australia
The analysis of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 16686639.46. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 37% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 234606.627*Year-449711334.716. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 234606.627.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 49.98 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 52% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 1.54 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 42% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 86.13 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 11% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 13.87 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 90% in the World.
The analysis of: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 15.97 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 72% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 76.18 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 5% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.244*Year-408.610. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.244. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 79.24 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 7% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.219*Year-355.977. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.219. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 73.27 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 4% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.268*Year-458.737. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.268.
The indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2011 highlights an average of 144.88 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 5% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -3.040*Year+6181.512. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 3.040. The analysis of indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 7.46 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 6% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1981-2010 highlights an average of 8.89. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 56% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1981-2010 highlights an average of 0.73. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 50% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1981-2010 highlights an average of 6.70. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 49% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1981-2010 highlights an average of 1.98. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 51% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by second 20% during 1981-2010 highlights an average of 3.27. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 63% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1981-2010 highlights an average of 4.39. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 60% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1981-2010 highlights an average of 6.13. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 31% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1981-2010 highlights an average of 10.90. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 42% in the World. International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 5.69 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 12% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 20.73 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 90% in the World.
2.13. Austria
The analysis of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 7792513.28. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 53% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 24519.683*Year-40952617.384. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 24519.683.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 52.21 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 21% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.046*Year+143.964. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.046.
The analysis of indicator: Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 0.39 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 45% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 65.55 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 40% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 34.45 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 61% in the World.
The analysis of: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 12.29 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 91% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 74.86 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 8% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.249*Year-420.918. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.249. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 78.16 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 9% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.235*Year-388.847. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.235. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 71.73 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 8% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.263*Year-451.462. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.263.
The indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 161.74 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 10% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -2.506*Year+5140.851. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 2.506. The analysis of indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 5.15 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 1% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 99.99 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 7% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.002*Year+103.844. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.002.
The analysis of indicator: GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 30.38. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 23% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 3.13. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 40% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 23.95. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 75% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 8.15. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 32% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by second 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 13.16. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 26% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 17.35. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 18% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 22.72. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 24% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 38.63. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 77% in the World. International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 3.09 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 16% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 35.41 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 96% in the World.
2.14. Azerbaijan
The analysis of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 6904155.44. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 51% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 98848.709*Year-189607078.897. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 98848.709.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 51.06 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 49% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 1.67 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 52% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 52.44 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 56% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 47.56 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 45% in the World.
The analysis of: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 25.51 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 54% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 65.39 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 57% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.91. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.182*Year-295.594. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.182. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 68.91 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 56% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.176*Year-280.552. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.176. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 62.03 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 57% in the World.
The indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 217.69 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 37% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 48.08 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 30% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 77.59 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 46% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 1.586*Year-3105.887. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 1.586.
The analysis of indicator: GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1995-2008 highlights an average of 12.29. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 33% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1995-2008 highlights an average of 2.34. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 26% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1995-2008 highlights an average of 10.86. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 62% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1995-2008 highlights an average of 5.34. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 33% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by second 20% during 1995-2008 highlights an average of 7.24. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 43% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1995-2008 highlights an average of 8.79. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 47% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1995-2008 highlights an average of 10.91. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 58% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1995-2008 highlights an average of 17.73. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 65% in the World. International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.87 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 57% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 162201.08 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 43% in the World.
2.15. Burundi
The analysis of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 5507297.95. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 50% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 126738.567*Year-246448974.064. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 126738.567.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 51.26 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 27% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 2.37 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 4% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 6.21 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 100% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.187*Year-365.488. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.187.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 93.79 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 1% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.187*Year+465.488. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.187.
The analysis of: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 46.90 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 3% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 48.45 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 96% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.261*Year-469.402. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.261. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.18 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 96% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.265*Year-476.589. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.265. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 46.80 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 97% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.256*Year-462.556. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.256.
The indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 400.09 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 90% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -2.193*Year+4758.923. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 2.193. The analysis of indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 965.19 bigger than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 96% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -23.438*Year+47900.369. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 23.438.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 46.23 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 76% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.630*Year-1218.943. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.630.
The analysis of indicator: GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1992-2013 highlights an average of 6.74. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 66% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1992-2013 highlights an average of 0.53. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 54% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1992-2013 highlights an average of 5.39. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 26% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1992-2013 highlights an average of 1.30. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 58% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by second 20% during 1992-2013 highlights an average of 2.06. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 65% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1992-2013 highlights an average of 2.80. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 75% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1992-2013 highlights an average of 3.88. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 81% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1992-2013 highlights an average of 8.15. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 29% in the World. International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.73 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 58% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 355359.37 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 20% in the World.
2.16. Belgium
The analysis of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 10079001.82. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 47% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.91. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 31169.567*Year-51886097.800. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 31169.567.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 51.00 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 29% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 0.39 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 72% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 95.78 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 5% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.099*Year-101.300. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.099.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 4.22 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 96% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.099*Year+201.300. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.099.
The analysis of: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 12.76 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 82% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 75.19 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 12% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.217*Year-356.156. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.217. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 78.42 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 11% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.209*Year-337.523. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.209. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 72.12 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 12% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.224*Year-373.901. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.224.
The indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 152.46 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 8% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -2.193*Year+4511.169. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 2.193. The analysis of indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 8.38 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 9% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 99.49 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 13% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 28.52. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 19% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 3.35. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 27% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 22.86. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 85% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 8.60. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 23% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by second 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 13.85. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 15% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 17.67. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 10% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 22.57. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 21% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 37.30. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 83% in the World. International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 2.16 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 26% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 46.65 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 90% in the World.
2.17. Benin
The analysis of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 5404568.54. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 48% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 148548.651*Year-289910148.919. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 148548.651.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 51.27 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 55% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.041*Year+133.410. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.041.
The analysis of indicator: Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 2.65 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 12% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 29.97 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 69% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.642*Year-1247.092. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.642.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 70.03 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 32% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.642*Year+1347.092. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.642.
The analysis of: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 44.34 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 7% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.28 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 90% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.436*Year-816.032. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.436. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 52.04 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 90% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.441*Year-824.629. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.441. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 48.60 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 89% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.431*Year-807.844. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.431.
The indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 360.68 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 77% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -4.052*Year+8414.974. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 4.052. The analysis of indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 510.77 bigger than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 84% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 11.90 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 98% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.264*Year-518.028. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.264. The analysis of indicator: Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) during - highlights an average of 6.44. Also for Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) the region ranks on the first 55% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 2003-2015 highlights an average of 9.98. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 75% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 2003-2015 highlights an average of 0.49. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 100% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 2003-2015 highlights an average of 7.94. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 21% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 2003-2015 highlights an average of 1.25. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 97% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by second 20% during 2003-2015 highlights an average of 2.32. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 59% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 2003-2015 highlights an average of 3.27. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 66% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 2003-2015 highlights an average of 4.76. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 73% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 2003-2015 highlights an average of 11.46. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 28% in the World. International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.45 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 62% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 216.48 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 70% in the World.
2.18. Burkina Faso
The analysis of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 9504210.60. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 40% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 235256.934*Year-458186573.712. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 235256.934.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.57 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 53% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 2.39 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 8% in the World. Time regression analysis revea.
The analysis of indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 13.94 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 90% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.461*Year-901.684. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.461.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 86.06 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 11% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.461*Year+1001.684. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.461.
The analysis of: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 46.47 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 4% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 47.21 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 92% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.422*Year-791.417. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.422. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 48.30 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 94% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.414*Year-775.040. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.414. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 46.16 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 89% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.429*Year-807.014. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.429.
The indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 388.99 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 78% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 524.38 bigger than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 82% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -14.506*Year+29572.615. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 14.506.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 15.85 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 93% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.894*Year-1777.988. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.894. The analysis of indicator: Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) during - highlights an average of 4.54. Also for Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) the region ranks on the first 67% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1994-2014 highlights an average of 10.30. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 53% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1994-2014 highlights an average of 0.61. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 18% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1994-2014 highlights an average of 8.46. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 34% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1994-2014 highlights an average of 1.50. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 29% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by second 20% during 1994-2014 highlights an average of 2.35. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 62% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1994-2014 highlights an average of 3.23. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 72% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1994-2014 highlights an average of 4.70. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 89% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1994-2014 highlights an average of 12.04. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 35% in the World. International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.98 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 49% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 679.74 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 53% in the World.
2.19. Bangladesh
The analysis of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 103244602.63. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 19% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 2180762.362*Year-4232110973.162. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 2180762.362.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 48.95 smaller than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 78% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 2.19 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 57% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 18.30 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 83% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.540*Year-1056.054. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.540.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 81.70 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 18% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.540*Year+1156.054. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.540.
The analysis of: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 36.35 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 48% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.632*Year+1292.157. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.632. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 57.93 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 56% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.524*Year-983.071. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.524. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 58.40 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 62% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.544*Year-1022.632. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.544. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 57.49 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 50% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.505*Year-945.393. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.505.
The indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 207.70 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 28% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -2.422*Year+5020.811. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 2.422. The analysis of indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 361.92 bigger than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 67% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -15.734*Year+31869.292. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 15.734.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 36.27 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 77% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 1.441*Year-2856.268. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 1.441. The analysis of indicator: Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) during - highlights an average of 2.81. Also for Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) the region ranks on the first 64% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1983-2010 highlights an average of 8.60. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 36% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1983-2010 highlights an average of 1.14. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 11% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1983-2010 highlights an average of 7.29. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 46% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1983-2010 highlights an average of 2.64. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 17% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by second 20% during 1983-2010 highlights an average of 3.73. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 45% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1983-2010 highlights an average of 4.73. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 61% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1983-2010 highlights an average of 6.12. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 82% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1983-2010 highlights an average of 11.36. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 52% in the World. International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.19 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 85% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 18058.26 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 37% in the World.
2.20. Bulgaria
The analysis of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 8249426.68. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 57% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.66 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 15% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.032*Year-13.453. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.032.
The analysis of indicator: Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of -0.16 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 98% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 62.27 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 30% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 37.73 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 71% in the World.
The analysis of: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 12.60 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 95% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 71.66 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 44% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 74.70 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 40% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 68.76 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 46% in the World.
The indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2010 highlights an average of 197.85 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 50% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 17.81 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 18% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.91. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.724*Year+1468.508. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.724.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 85.90 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 53% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.010*Year+65.062. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.010.
The analysis of indicator: GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1992-2014 highlights an average of 15.21. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 65% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1992-2014 highlights an average of 0.96. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 72% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1992-2014 highlights an average of 11.62. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 40% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1992-2014 highlights an average of 2.82. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 66% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by second 20% during 1992-2014 highlights an average of 5.37. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 61% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1992-2014 highlights an average of 7.29. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 58% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1992-2014 highlights an average of 9.80. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 56% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1992-2014 highlights an average of 18.20. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 39% in the World. International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.17 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 74% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 2713.59 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 65% in the World.
2.21. Bahrain
The analysis of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 569312.30. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 76% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 42.37 smaller than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 99% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 3.87 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 2% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 86.56 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 12% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 13.44 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 89% in the World.
The analysis of: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 29.39 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 64% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.571*Year+1164.024. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.571. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 69.71 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 28% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 71.24 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 40% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 68.26 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 22% in the World.
The indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 155.08 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 4% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -4.168*Year+8439.052. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 4.168. The analysis of indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 19.92 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 23% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.419*Year+859.262. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.419.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 99.95 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 6% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.011*Year+77.687. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.011.
International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 9.89 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 5% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 127.37 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 70% in the World.
2.22. Bahamas
The analysis of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 249515.95. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 84% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 4818.042*Year-9328752.454. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 4818.042.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.87 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 20% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 2.32 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 55% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 75.42 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 18% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.91. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.430*Year-778.729. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.430.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 24.58 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 83% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.91. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.430*Year+878.729. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.430.
The analysis of: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 23.01 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 65% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.333*Year+684.951. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.333. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 69.72 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 36% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.222*Year-372.201. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.222. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 72.75 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 34% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.239*Year-402.180. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.239. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 66.83 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 38% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.207*Year-343.650. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.207.
The indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 253.16 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 52% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.91. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -1.518*Year+3269.259. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 1.518. The analysis of indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 66.15 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 53% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 1.871*Year-3680.062. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 1.871.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 90.62 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 42% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.251*Year-412.303. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.251.
International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 3.01 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 19% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 73.47 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 75% in the World.
2.23. Bosnia and Herzegovina
The analysis of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 3879438.93. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 68% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.76 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 23% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 0.18 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 97% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 34.58 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 76% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 65.42 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 25% in the World.
The analysis of: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 16.89 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 95% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.406*Year+824.343. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.406. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 70.49 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 29% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.264*Year-453.606. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.264. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 73.12 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 29% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.281*Year-486.308. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.281. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 67.98 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 28% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.247*Year-422.461. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.247.
The indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 192.97 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 18% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 17.50 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 18% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 94.83 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 36% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.011*Year+115.978. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.011.
The analysis of indicator: GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 2001-2011 highlights an average of 11.90. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 48% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 2001-2011 highlights an average of 1.13. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 53% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 2001-2011 highlights an average of 9.28. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 59% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 2001-2011 highlights an average of 2.82. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 53% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by second 20% during 2001-2011 highlights an average of 4.52. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 55% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 2001-2011 highlights an average of 6.05. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 49% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 2001-2011 highlights an average of 8.21. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 22% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 2001-2011 highlights an average of 14.78. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 50% in the World. International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.32 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 85% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 334491.68 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 35% in the World.
2.24. Belarus
The analysis of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 9534427.65. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 52% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 53.57 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 3% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 0.28 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 86% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 59.93 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 28% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.793*Year-1517.180. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.793.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 40.07 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 73% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.793*Year+1617.180. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.793.
The analysis of: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 14.26 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 73% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 69.88 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 48% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 74.64 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 31% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 65.36 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 59% in the World.
The indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 284.52 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 76% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 19.04 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 1% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -1.516*Year+3053.938. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 1.516.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 94.65 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 37% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.053*Year+201.078. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.053.
The analysis of indicator: GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1998-2015 highlights an average of 28.63. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 6% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1998-2015 highlights an average of 3.59. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 14% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1998-2015 highlights an average of 22.86. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 97% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1998-2015 highlights an average of 8.77. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 14% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by second 20% during 1998-2015 highlights an average of 13.51. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 4% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1998-2015 highlights an average of 17.53. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 4% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1998-2015 highlights an average of 22.72. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 25% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1998-2015 highlights an average of 37.51. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 97% in the World. International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 2.67 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 29% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 4165.58 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 50% in the World.
2.25. Belize
The analysis of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 198204.54. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 84% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 4787.560*Year-9319464.649. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 4787.560.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 49.93 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 52% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 2.48 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 26% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 48.49 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 70% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.157*Year+360.275. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.157.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 51.51 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 31% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.157*Year-260.275. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.157.
The analysis of: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 35.35 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 37% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.436*Year+902.297. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.436. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 68.14 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 64% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 70.28 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 65% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 66.11 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 64% in the World.
The indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 208.42 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 60% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 46.35 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 34% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 84.85 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 51% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.306*Year-528.701. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.306.
The analysis of indicator: GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1993-1999 highlights an average of 49.49. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 66% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1993-1999 highlights an average of 0.77. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 71% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1993-1999 highlights an average of 40.93. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 26% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1993-1999 highlights an average of 2.66. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 63% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by second 20% during 1993-1999 highlights an average of 5.89. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 67% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1993-1999 highlights an average of 9.16. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 71% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1993-1999 highlights an average of 14.87. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 86% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1993-1999 highlights an average of 53.17. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 34% in the World. International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 3.51 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 20% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 18.48 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 88% in the World.
2.26. Bermuda
The analysis of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 57715.63. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 94% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 333.277*Year-604839.359. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 333.277.
The analysis of indicator: Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 0.71 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 88% in the World.
The analysis of: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 8.77 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 93% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1965-2015 highlights an average of 30.51 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 14% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1965-2015 highlights an average of 31.77 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 4% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1965-2015 highlights an average of 29.31 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 17% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 99.94 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 9% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.007*Year+113.328. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.007.
International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 6.48 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 11% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 0.88 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 99% in the World.
2.27. Bolivia
The analysis of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 6840732.05. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 48% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 130992.198*Year-253571757.475. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 130992.198.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.01 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 65% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 1.93 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 40% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 52.60 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 36% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.658*Year-1256.272. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.658.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 47.40 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 65% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.658*Year+1356.272. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.658.
The analysis of: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 35.67 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 35% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.401*Year+831.694. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.401. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 54.44 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 70% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.503*Year-944.536. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.503. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 56.21 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 68% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.527*Year-991.628. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.527. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 52.76 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 70% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.479*Year-899.687. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.479.
The indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 326.16 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 58% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -4.070*Year+8414.462. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 4.070. The analysis of indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 319.58 bigger than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 70% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -8.864*Year+18069.600. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 8.864.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 45.42 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 75% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.958*Year-1877.213. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.958. The analysis of indicator: Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) during - highlights an average of 38.93. Also for Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) the region ranks on the first 9% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 34.72. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 65% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.48. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 100% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 26.37. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 42% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 1.78. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 80% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by second 20% during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 4.87. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 73% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 8.18. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 59% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 13.38. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 25% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 37.17. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 38% in the World. International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.27 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 77% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 341.56 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 68% in the World.
2.28. Brazil
The analysis of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 142325306.58. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 18% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 2535776.498*Year-4898798371.555. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 2535776.498.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.43 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 26% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.013*Year+24.589. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.013.
The analysis of indicator: Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 1.90 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 65% in the World. Time regression analysis reve.
The analysis of indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 70.12 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 16% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.742*Year-1404.100. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.742.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 29.88 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 85% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.742*Year+1504.100. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.742.
The analysis of: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 27.11 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 66% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.528*Year+1076.117. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.528. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 65.07 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 38% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.375*Year-680.814. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.375. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 68.47 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 30% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.408*Year-742.975. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.408. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 61.83 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 43% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.344*Year-621.613. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.344.
The indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 266.49 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 50% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 72.62 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 41% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 79.84 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 52% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.858*Year-1643.589. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.858.
The analysis of indicator: GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1981-2015 highlights an average of 50.69. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 96% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1981-2015 highlights an average of 0.75. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 90% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1981-2015 highlights an average of 40.16. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 4% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1981-2015 highlights an average of 2.42. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 90% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by second 20% during 1981-2015 highlights an average of 5.65. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 90% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1981-2015 highlights an average of 9.60. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 94% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1981-2015 highlights an average of 16.40. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 97% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1981-2015 highlights an average of 54.50. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 4% in the World. International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.09 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 94% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 526.15 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 66% in the World.
2.29. Barbados
The analysis of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 258170.93. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 85% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 975.126*Year-1680379.696. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 975.126.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 52.50 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 8% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 0.37 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 85% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 35.16 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 89% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 64.84 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 12% in the World.
The analysis of: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 17.64 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 76% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 69.78 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 33% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.258*Year-443.943. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.258. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 72.12 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 38% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.262*Year-449.099. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.262. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 67.56 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 33% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.255*Year-439.033. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.255.
The indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 196.34 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 16% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -3.082*Year+6320.898. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 3.082. The analysis of indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 42.23 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 32% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.91. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -1.155*Year+2354.862. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 1.155.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 92.43 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 30% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.601*Year-1113.368. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.601.
International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 2.49 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 27% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 31.61 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 80% in the World.
2.30. Brunei Darussalam
The analysis of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 249001.86. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 83% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 6436.835*Year-12547427.102. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 6436.835.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 48.14 smaller than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 92% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 2.97 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 43% in the World. Time regression analysis reve.
The analysis of indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 65.05 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 26% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.90. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.487*Year-903.243. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.487.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 34.95 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 75% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.90. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.487*Year+1003.243. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.487.
The analysis of: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 28.69 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 60% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.520*Year+1061.937. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.520. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 71.64 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 26% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.263*Year-451.298. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.263. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 73.21 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 31% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.269*Year-460.883. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.269. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 70.14 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 23% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.258*Year-442.170. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.258.
The indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 165.23 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 11% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -2.960*Year+6049.224. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 2.960. The analysis of indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 29.85 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 28% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2007-2015 highlights an average of 96.35 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 30% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.005*Year+105.721. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.005.
International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 6.28 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 14% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 3.35 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 100% in the World.
2.31. Bhutan
The analysis of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 487095.63. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 79% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 10160.868*Year-19712709.372. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 10160.868.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 48.40 smaller than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 97% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 2.28 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 45% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 17.78 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 77% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.678*Year-1330.741. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.678.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 82.22 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 24% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.678*Year+1430.741. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.678.
The analysis of: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 37.43 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 52% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.664*Year+1357.603. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.664. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 51.68 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 67% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.692*Year-1322.751. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.692. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 52.06 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 71% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.681*Year-1301.402. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.681. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 51.32 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 54% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.702*Year-1343.084. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.702.
The indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 389.77 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 55% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -7.381*Year+15060.133. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 7.381. The analysis of indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 423.00 bigger than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 64% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -30.005*Year+60508.954. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 30.005.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 58.21 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 70% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.664*Year-1274.472. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.664. The analysis of indicator: Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) during - highlights an average of 1.95. Also for Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) the region ranks on the first 77% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 2003-2012 highlights an average of 12.37. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 61% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 2003-2012 highlights an average of 0.77. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 52% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 2003-2012 highlights an average of 9.76. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 32% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 2003-2012 highlights an average of 1.87. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 56% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by second 20% during 2003-2012 highlights an average of 3.04. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 65% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 2003-2012 highlights an average of 4.32. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 72% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 2003-2012 highlights an average of 6.35. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 75% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 2003-2012 highlights an average of 14.41. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 37% in the World. International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 1.35 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 41% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 81816.65 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 40% in the World.
2.32. Botswana
The analysis of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 1309982.39. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 72% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 32445.108*Year-63190891.387. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 32445.108.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 51.24 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 35% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 2.60 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 32% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 32.46 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 52% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 1.239*Year-2430.014. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 1.239.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 67.54 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 49% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -1.239*Year+2530.014. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 1.239.
The analysis of: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 36.38 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 32% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.527*Year+1084.570. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.527. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 56.68 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 77% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 58.90 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 76% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 54.56 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 80% in the World.
The indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 399.74 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 88% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 236.42 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 61% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 57.50 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 72% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.387*Year-719.121. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.387.
The analysis of indicator: GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1985-2009 highlights an average of 9.61. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 98% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1985-2009 highlights an average of 0.18. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 99% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1985-2009 highlights an average of 7.87. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 2% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1985-2009 highlights an average of 0.47. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 100% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by second 20% during 1985-2009 highlights an average of 0.92. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 100% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1985-2009 highlights an average of 1.54. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 99% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1985-2009 highlights an average of 2.74. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 99% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1985-2009 highlights an average of 10.33. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 2% in the World. International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.98 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 39% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 54.70 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 77% in the World.
2.33. Central African Republic
The analysis of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 2945240.58. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 64% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 62046.933*Year-120404061.539. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 62046.933.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.81 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 33% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 1.99 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 58% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 33.79 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 74% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 66.21 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 27% in the World.
The analysis of: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 41.15 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 11% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.124*Year+288.366. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.124. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 45.42 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 100% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 47.25 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 100% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 43.67 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 100% in the World.
The indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 465.82 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 98% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 1116.00 bigger than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 99% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -21.939*Year+45049.138. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 21.939.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 20.77 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 92% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.732*Year-1448.208. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.732.
The analysis of indicator: GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1992-2008 highlights an average of 9.48. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 98% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1992-2008 highlights an average of 0.23. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 91% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1992-2008 highlights an average of 7.46. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 2% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1992-2008 highlights an average of 0.62. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 92% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by second 20% during 1992-2008 highlights an average of 1.25. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 96% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1992-2008 highlights an average of 2.05. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 99% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1992-2008 highlights an average of 3.41. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 99% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1992-2008 highlights an average of 10.31. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 2% in the World. International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.56 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 69% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 101465.48 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 17% in the World.
2.34. Canada
The analysis of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 27059815.63. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 31% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 318640.133*Year-606396768.396. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 318640.133.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.20 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 43% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 1.28 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 50% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 77.02 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 19% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.91. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.178*Year-276.710. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.178.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 22.98 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 82% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.91. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.178*Year+376.710. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.178.
The analysis of: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 14.86 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 82% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 76.56 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 6% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.208*Year-337.096. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.208. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 79.61 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 9% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.181*Year-280.207. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.181. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 73.64 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 5% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.234*Year-391.276. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.234.
The indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2011 highlights an average of 143.77 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 7% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -2.563*Year+5231.859. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 2.563. The analysis of indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 8.38 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 9% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1981-2013 highlights an average of 10.89. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 45% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1981-2013 highlights an average of 0.90. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 60% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1981-2013 highlights an average of 8.27. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 67% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1981-2013 highlights an average of 2.42. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 58% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by second 20% during 1981-2013 highlights an average of 4.22. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 44% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1981-2013 highlights an average of 5.67. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 33% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1981-2013 highlights an average of 7.65. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 6% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1981-2013 highlights an average of 13.38. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 58% in the World. International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 4.29 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 16% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 72.62 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 85% in the World.
2.35. Central Europe and the Baltics
The analysis of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 104444580.39. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 21% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 51.48 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 11% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population growth (annual %) during 1961-2015 highlights an average of 0.21 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 95% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 57.56 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 45% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 42.44 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 56% in the World.
The analysis of: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 13.90 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 91% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 71.44 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 27% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 75.13 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 24% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.161*Year-244.685. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.161. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 67.93 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 32% in the World.
The indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 220.19 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 36% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 19.73 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 18% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 92.47 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 38% in the World.
International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.75 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 55% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 187350.74 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 31% in the World.
2.36. Switzerland
The analysis of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 6772169.44. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 55% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 44456.219*Year-81606793.453. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 44456.219.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 51.14 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 41% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 0.83 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 57% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 65.65 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 31% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 34.35 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 70% in the World.
The analysis of: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 12.73 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 88% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 77.14 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 3% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.224*Year-367.805. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.224. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 80.16 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 3% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.210*Year-336.880. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.210. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 74.27 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 2% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.237*Year-397.257. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.237.
The indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 127.15 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 0% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -2.228*Year+4554.276. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 2.228. The analysis of indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 6.69 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 4% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 99.90 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 10% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.001*Year+101.117. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.001.
The analysis of indicator: GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 2007-2013 highlights an average of 32.76. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 38% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 2007-2013 highlights an average of 3.13. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 30% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient vaThe analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 2007-2013 highlights an average of 25.60. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 62% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 2007-2013 highlights an average of 7.77. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 36% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by second 20% during 2007-2013 highlights an average of 12.37. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 44% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 2007-2013 highlights an average of 16.69. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 51% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 2007-2013 highlights an average of 22.59. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 44% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 2007-2013 highlights an average of 40.60. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 62% in the World. International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 5.54 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 12% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 34.77 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 91% in the World.
2.37. Channel Islands
The analysis of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 137615.16. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 88% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 974.439*Year-1799570.103. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 974.439.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 51.21 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 42% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 0.73 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 79% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 32.82 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 89% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 67.18 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 12% in the World.
The analysis of: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 12.34 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 94% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 75.20 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 14% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.198*Year-317.638. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.198. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 77.95 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 17% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.173*Year-265.252. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.173. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 72.58 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 10% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.221*Year-367.529. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.221.
The indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 125.91 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 0% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -2.498*Year+5090.089. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 2.498.
International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 10.54 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 5% in the World.
2.38. Chile
The analysis of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 12884621.11. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 41% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 186756.498*Year-358387296.900. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 186756.498.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.67 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 42% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.007*Year+65.422. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.007.
The analysis of indicator: Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 1.52 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 65% in the World. Time regression analysis rev
The analysis of indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 81.73 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 10% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.356*Year-626.732. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.356.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 18.27 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 91% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.356*Year+726.732. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.356.
The analysis of: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 22.61 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 70% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.403*Year+823.957. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.403. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 70.64 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 20% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.420*Year-764.353. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.420. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 73.73 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 20% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.413*Year-746.249. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.413. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 67.71 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 19% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.427*Year-781.594. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.427.
The indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 209.09 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 13% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -4.597*Year+9344.794. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 4.597. The analysis of indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 33.12 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 28% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 96.23 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 10% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.551*Year-1010.061. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.551.
The analysis of indicator: GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1987-2015 highlights an average of 23.42. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 72% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1987-2015 highlights an average of 0.66. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 63% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1987-2015 highlights an average of 18.96. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 14% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1987-2015 highlights an average of 1.83. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 63% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by second 20% during 1987-2015 highlights an average of 3.48. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 76% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1987-2015 highlights an average of 5.28. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 83% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1987-2015 highlights an average of 8.35. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 94% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1987-2015 highlights an average of 25.90. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 21% in the World. International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.36 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 58% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 5024.26 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 69% in the World.
2.39. China
The analysis of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 1071848070.18. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 6% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 13552779.038*Year-25871076657.592. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 13552779.038.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 48.62 smaller than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 93% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 1.31 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 75% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 29.32 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 53% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 70.68 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 48% in the World.
The analysis of: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 20.82 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 75% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 66.12 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 30% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 67.73 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 42% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 64.58 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 26% in the World.
The indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 192.48 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 9% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 54.92 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 32% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -2.637*Year+5334.677. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 2.637.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 67.65 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 63% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.987*Year-1913.944. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.987.
The analysis of indicator: GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 2008-2012 highlights an average of 17.00. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 78% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 2008-2012 highlights an average of 0.80. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 77% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 2008-2012 highlights an average of 12.64. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 27% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 2008-2012 highlights an average of 2.06. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 81% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by second 20% during 2008-2012 highlights an average of 3.86. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 85% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 2008-2012 highlights an average of 5.90. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 73% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 2008-2012 highlights an average of 8.90. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 54% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 2008-2012 highlights an average of 19.28. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 24% in the World. International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.01 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 100% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 134895.89 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 24% in the World.
2.40. Cote d'Ivoire
The analysis of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 12059651.37. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 38% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 370145.547*Year-723789696.826. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 370145.547.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 48.41 smaller than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 85% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 3.39 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 17% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 38.20 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 56% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.569*Year-1092.633. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.569.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 61.80 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 45% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.569*Year+1192.633. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.569.
The analysis of: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 45.65 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 7% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.362*Year+765.121. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.362. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 47.85 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 99% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 49.29 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 99% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 46.48 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 99% in the World.
The indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 423.03 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 98% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 709.81 bigger than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 95% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 26.11 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 90% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.506*Year-990.392. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.506. The analysis of indicator: Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) during - highlights an average of 4.51. Also for Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) the region ranks on the first 34% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1985-2015 highlights an average of 13.10. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 48% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1985-2015 highlights an average of 0.76. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 45% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1985-2015 highlights an average of 10.17. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 45% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1985-2015 highlights an average of 1.96. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 45% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by second 20% during 1985-2015 highlights an average of 3.36. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 49% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1985-2015 highlights an average of 4.75. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 49% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1985-2015 highlights an average of 6.92. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 42% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1985-2015 highlights an average of 15.27. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 49% in the World. International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 2.79 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 34% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 28511.89 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 29% in the World.
2.41. Cameroon
The analysis of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 12067520.70. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 38% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 320687.258*Year-625458748.534. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 320687.258.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.37 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 63% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.016*Year+82.953. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.016.
The analysis of indicator: Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 2.69 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 15% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 36.19 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 55% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.756*Year-1467.172. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.756.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 63.81 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 46% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.756*Year+1567.172. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.756.
The analysis of: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 43.13 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 8% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.21 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 95% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 51.52 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 96% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 48.96 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 95% in the World.
The indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 397.56 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 94% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 711.27 bigger than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 93% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 39.23 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 84% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.062*Year+163.745. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.062. The analysis of indicator: Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) during - highlights an average of 5.21. Also for Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) the region ranks on the first 25% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1996-2014 highlights an average of 9.26. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 84% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1996-2014 highlights an average of 0.48. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 83% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1996-2014 highlights an average of 7.26. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 18% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1996-2014 highlights an average of 1.19. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 88% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by second 20% during 1996-2014 highlights an average of 1.98. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 91% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1996-2014 highlights an average of 2.89. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 86% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1996-2014 highlights an average of 4.38. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 74% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1996-2014 highlights an average of 10.60. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 16% in the World. International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.38 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 70% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 6669.30 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 43% in the World.
2.42. Congo, Dem. Rep.
The analysis of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 37618326.00. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 23% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 1063356.616*Year-2076334626.525. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 1063356.616.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.88 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 58% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.036*Year+121.827. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.036.
The analysis of indicator: Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 2.92 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 4% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 30.95 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 71% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.372*Year-708.142. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.372.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 69.05 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 30% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.372*Year+808.142. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.372.
The analysis of: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 45.98 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 2% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 48.55 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 94% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.298*Year-543.656. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.298. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.01 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 94% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.299*Year-543.471. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.299. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 47.15 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 94% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.297*Year-543.833. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.297.
The indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 390.08 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 84% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -3.050*Year+6450.994. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 3.050. The analysis of indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 831.81 bigger than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 96% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 21.01 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 95% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.177*Year+375.589. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.177.
The analysis of indicator: GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 2004-2012 highlights an average of 9.37. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 77% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 2004-2012 highlights an average of 0.48. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 70% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 2004-2012 highlights an average of 7.16. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 24% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 2004-2012 highlights an average of 1.24. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 75% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by second 20% during 2004-2012 highlights an average of 2.21. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 79% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 2004-2012 highlights an average of 3.20. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 83% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 2004-2012 highlights an average of 4.80. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 73% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 2004-2012 highlights an average of 10.77. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 19% in the World. International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.41 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 87% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 329652.26 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 16% in the World.
2.43. Congo, Rep.
The analysis of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 2568563.84. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 63% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 70741.657*Year-138065850.506. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 70741.657.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.15 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 61% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.007*Year+64.610. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.007.
The analysis of indicator: Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 2.85 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 15% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 51.12 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 41% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.612*Year-1166.003. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.612.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 48.88 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 60% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.612*Year+1266.003. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.612.
The analysis of: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 40.32 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 13% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 54.99 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 82% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 56.39 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 82% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 53.66 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 81% in the World.
The indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 353.94 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 83% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 583.50 bigger than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 85% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 13.84 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 97% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.164*Year-315.193. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.164. The analysis of indicator: Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) during - highlights an average of 7.20. Also for Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) the region ranks on the first 17% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 2005-2011 highlights an average of 13.74. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 90% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 2005-2011 highlights an average of 0.51. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 84% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 2005-2011 highlights an average of 10.67. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 11% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 2005-2011 highlights an average of 1.30. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 88% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by second 20% during 2005-2011 highlights an average of 2.40. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 91% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 2005-2011 highlights an average of 3.73. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 87% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 2005-2011 highlights an average of 5.87. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 86% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 2005-2011 highlights an average of 15.29. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 13% in the World. International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 1.93 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 37% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 15115.81 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 38% in the World.
2.44. Colombia
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 32860933.39. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 27% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 596749.567*Year-1153477206.625. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 596749.567.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.41 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 28% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 1.95 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 64% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 64.93 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 28% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.539*Year-1006.643. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.539.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 35.07 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 73% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.539*Year+1106.643. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.539.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 28.36 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 62% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.545*Year+1111.052. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.545. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 66.85 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 47% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.317*Year-562.449. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.317. Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 69.99 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 41% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.365*Year-654.561. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.365. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 63.86 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 49% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.271*Year-474.723. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.271.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 245.38 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 47% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 89.27 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 48% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -2.360*Year+4815.169. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 2.360.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 80.25 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 56% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.576*Year-1076.342. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.576. The analysis of indicator: Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) during - highlights an average of 18.32. Also for Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) the region ranks on the first 67% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a c
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1992-2015 highlights an average of 39.19. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 93% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1992-2015 highlights an average of 0.63. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 83% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1992-2015 highlights an average of 31.20. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 7% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1992-2015 highlights an average of 2.13. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 90% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 1992-2015 highlights an average of 5.00. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 97% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1992-2015 highlights an average of 8.08. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 97% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1992-2015 highlights an average of 13.32. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 90% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1992-2015 highlights an average of 42.32. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 7% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.06 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 96% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 155711.44 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 22% in the World.
2.45. Comoros
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 423053.81. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 80% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 10960.577*Year-21366573.146. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 10960.577.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 49.90 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 76% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.014*Year+77.709. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.014.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 2.53 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 22% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 24.28 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 91% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 75.72 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 10% in the World.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 41.82 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 18% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.91. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.272*Year+582.506. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.272. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 53.67 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 83% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.420*Year-780.140. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.420. Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 55.31 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 84% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.421*Year-780.751. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.421. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 52.11 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 83% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.418*Year-779.559. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.418.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 360.78 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 72% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -4.700*Year+9702.771. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 4.700. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 473.23 bigger than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 78% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -11.899*Year+24300.585. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 11.899.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 30.69 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 86% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.511*Year-995.230. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.511.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 2004-2013 highlights an average of 10.09. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 83% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 2004-2013 highlights an average of 0.31. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 88% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 2004-2013 highlights an average of 8.15. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 22% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 2004-2013 highlights an average of 0.85. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 89% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 2004-2013 highlights an average of 1.66. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 85% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 2004-2013 highlights an average of 2.48. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 85% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 2004-2013 highlights an average of 3.87. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 60% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 2004-2013 highlights an average of 11.15. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 17% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.55 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 72% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 171.78 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 67% in the World.
2.46. Cabo Verde
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 356703.46. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 82% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 6093.114*Year-11756406.301. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 6093.114.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 52.14 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 50% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 1.74 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 50% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 38.79 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 39% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 1.037*Year-2022.517. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 1.037.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 61.21 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 62% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -1.037*Year+2122.517. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 1.037.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 36.12 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 41% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 62.84 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 55% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.463*Year-856.498. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.463. Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 64.45 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 59% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.473*Year-875.675. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.473. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 61.30 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 50% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.453*Year-838.234. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.453.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 255.25 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 26% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -5.153*Year+10496.561. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 5.153. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 99.00 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 40% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 52.97 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 69% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 1.968*Year-3898.045. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 1.968.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 2001-2007 highlights an average of 14.24. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 84% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 2001-2007 highlights an average of 0.51. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 79% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 2001-2007 highlights an average of 11.39. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 13% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 2001-2007 highlights an average of 1.31. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 83% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 2001-2007 highlights an average of 2.33. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 85% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 2001-2007 highlights an average of 3.53. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 89% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 2001-2007 highlights an average of 5.51. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 90% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 2001-2007 highlights an average of 15.90. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 13% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.62 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 56% in the World.Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 13.88 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 87% in the World.
2.47. Costa Rica
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 3038258.32. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 63% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 66728.203*Year-129617409.005. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 66728.203.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 49.57 smaller than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 62% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.016*Year+17.280. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.016.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 2.33 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 60% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 51.54 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 26% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.786*Year-1511.072. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.786.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 48.46 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 75% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.786*Year+1611.072. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.786.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 26.67 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 65% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.506*Year+1031.811. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.506. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 72.93 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 17% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.333*Year-588.775. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.333. Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 75.25 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 19% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.90. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.350*Year-620.138. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.350. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 70.72 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 18% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.317*Year-558.905. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.317.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 151.17 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 14% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 35.35 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 30% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.843*Year+1722.923. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.843.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 95.78 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 27% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.198*Year-302.263. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.198. The analysis of indicator: Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) during - highlights an average of 11.67. Also for Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) the region ranks on the first 100% in the World.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1981-2015 highlights an average of 39.33. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 82% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1981-2015 highlights an average of 1.00. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 73% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1981-2015 highlights an average of 29.52. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 28% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1981-2015 highlights an average of 3.27. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 73% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 1981-2015 highlights an average of 7.29. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 83% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1981-2015 highlights an average of 11.29. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 87% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1981-2015 highlights an average of 17.66. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 76% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1981-2015 highlights an average of 43.35. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 21% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 2.23 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 36% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 202.31 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 79% in the World.
2.48. Caribbean small states
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 5868926.16. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 56% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 53325.522*Year-100142211.911. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 53325.522.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.60 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 45% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1961-2015 reveals an average of 0.98 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 75% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 38.45 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 71% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.201*Year-361.956. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.201.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 61.55 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 30% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.201*Year+461.956. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.201.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 26.29 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 59% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.424*Year+869.154. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.424. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 68.65 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 51% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.167*Year-263.690. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.167. Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 71.18 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 53% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.190*Year-305.973. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.190. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 66.23 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 51% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.146*Year-223.151. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.146.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 226.02 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 48% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 103.31 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 58% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 85.81 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 51% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.209*Year-333.741. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.209.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.96 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 45% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 2792.19 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 49% in the World.
2.49. Cuba
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 10068954.32. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 46% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 73735.906*Year-136518026.198. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 73735.906.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 49.54 smaller than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 63% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.019*Year+12.716. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.019.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 0.87 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 89% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 69.78 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 27% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.387*Year-699.010. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.387.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 30.22 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 74% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.387*Year+799.010. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.387.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 18.93 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 81% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 73.86 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 18% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.246*Year-415.012. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.246. Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 75.74 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 20% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.256*Year-432.947. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.256. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 72.08 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 17% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.91. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.236*Year-397.930. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.236.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 147.08 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 12% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 45.96 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 39% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 90.03 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 46% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.109*Year-128.287. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.109.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.04 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 100% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 16127.44 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 49% in the World.
2.50. Curacao
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 144151.81. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 89% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 52.07 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 0% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.077*Year-100.420. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.077.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 0.43 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 45% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 84.22 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 11% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.308*Year-527.456. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.308.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 15.78 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 90% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.308*Year+627.456. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.308.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 2006-2015 highlights an average of 13.11 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 77% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 2006-2014 highlights an average of 50.76 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 22% in the World. Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 2006-2014 highlights an average of 53.16 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 22% in the World. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 2006-2014 highlights an average of 48.48 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 24% in the World.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 186.34 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 22% in the World.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 2010-2015 highlights an average of 7.90 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 15% in the World.
2.51. Cayman Islands
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 28099.11. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 94% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 1057.941*Year-2075087.893. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 1057.941.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 3.63 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 44% in the World.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 2007-2014 highlights an average of 12.11 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 76% in the World.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 9.86 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 8% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 3.86 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 99% in the World.
2.52. Cyprus
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 808045.11. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 78% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 11567.469*Year-22188083.172. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 11567.469.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 49.91 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 65% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 1.27 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 66% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 58.25 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 39% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 41.75 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 62% in the World.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 17.35 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 80% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 75.68 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 16% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.182*Year-285.711. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.182. Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 77.80 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 18% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.185*Year-289.941. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.185. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 73.66 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 15% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.179*Year-281.683. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.179.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 112.97 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 3% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -1.737*Year+3564.866. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 1.737. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 11.19 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 9% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 99.75 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 14% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.046*Year+192.273. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.046.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 32.49. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 55% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 3.51. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 45% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 26.65. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 40% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 8.42. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 47% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 12.45. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 61% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 16.33. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 64% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 21.65. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 80% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 41.18. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 40% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 2.56 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 17% in the World.Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 7.69 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 96% in the World.
2.53. Czech Republic
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 10184891.79. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 50% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 51.35 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 25% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 0.19 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 87% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 71.21 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 32% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 28.79 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 69% in the World.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 12.83 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 86% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 72.75 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 19% in the World. Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 76.22 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 17% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.91. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.165*Year-250.914. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.165. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 69.46 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 21% in the World.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 192.89 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 19% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 7.38 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 1% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 99.14 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 17% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.000*Year+99.612. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.000.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1988-2014 highlights an average of 13.44. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 4% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1988-2014 highlights an average of 2.07. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 12% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1988-2014 highlights an average of 11.55. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 89% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1988-2014 highlights an average of 5.06. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 8% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 1988-2014 highlights an average of 7.54. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 4% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1988-2014 highlights an average of 9.21. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 10% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1988-2014 highlights an average of 11.33. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 69% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1988-2014 highlights an average of 18.70. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 93% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.60 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 49% in the World.Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 2493.30 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 61% in the World.
2.54. Germany
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 79381016.42. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 22% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 51.94 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 28% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.046*Year+143.233. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.046.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 0.24 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 51% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 73.05 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 29% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 26.95 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 72% in the World.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 11.16 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 96% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 74.81 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 13% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.228*Year-378.700. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.228. Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 77.85 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 12% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.223*Year-365.169. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.223. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 71.91 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 13% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.233*Year-391.587. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.233.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1990-2013 highlights an average of 123.78 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 12% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -2.882*Year+5891.253. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 2.882. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 7.96 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 6% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 99.22 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 16% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.000*Year+98.268. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.000.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 2006-2013 highlights an average of 27.26. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 29% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 2006-2013 highlights an average of 2.89. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 30% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 2006-2013 highlights an average of 21.64. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 70% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 2006-2013 highlights an average of 7.19. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 31% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 2006-2013 highlights an average of 11.29. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 31% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 2006-2013 highlights an average of 14.80. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 39% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 2006-2013 highlights an average of 19.59. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 51% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 2006-2013 highlights an average of 34.64. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 68% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 2.68 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 20% in the World.Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 361.65 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 85% in the World.
2.55. Djibouti
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 495348.63. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 79% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 16855.530*Year-33013445.931. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 16855.530.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 49.86 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 69% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 4.34 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 38% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 70.81 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 27% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 29.19 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 74% in the World.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 37.16 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 36% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.91. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.427*Year+886.571. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.427. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 54.38 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 86% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.292*Year-526.262. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.292. Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 55.93 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 86% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.296*Year-533.096. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.296. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 52.92 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 86% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.288*Year-519.753. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.288.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 344.79 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 80% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 368.42 bigger than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 72% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -11.371*Year+23139.415. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 11.371.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 51.16 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 76% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.026*Year-0.491. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.026.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 2002-2013 highlights an average of 10.77. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 80% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 2002-2013 highlights an average of 0.44. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 84% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 2002-2013 highlights an average of 8.28. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 19% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 2002-2013 highlights an average of 1.27. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 84% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 2002-2013 highlights an average of 2.51. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 82% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 2002-2013 highlights an average of 3.68. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 78% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 2002-2013 highlights an average of 5.33. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 81% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 2002-2013 highlights an average of 12.23. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 19% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 3.33 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 25% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 2972.70 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 58% in the World.
2.56. Dominica
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 70709.35. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 93% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 0.39 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 77% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 55.04 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 35% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.709*Year-1353.968. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.709.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 44.96 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 66% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.709*Year+1453.968. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.709.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1970-2014 highlights an average of 12.52 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 77% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1982-2002 highlights an average of 17.62 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 20% in the World. Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1982-2002 highlights an average of 18.06 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 21% in the World. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1982-2002 highlights an average of 17.19 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 18% in the World.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1990-2000 highlights an average of 30.65 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 34% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 72.70 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 61% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 1.019*Year-1973.233. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 1.019.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 1.44 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 35% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 28.76 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 95% in the World.
2.57. Denmark
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 5172882.46. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 60% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 16481.149*Year-27591641.270. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 16481.149.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.49 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 47% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 0.41 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 65% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 83.26 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 13% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 16.75 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 88% in the World.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 12.90 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 88% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 75.39 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 13% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.139*Year-200.790. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.139. Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 77.97 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 15% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.133*Year-187.137. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.133. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 72.93 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 11% in the World.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 142.86 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 10% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 9.00 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 6% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.201*Year+411.554. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.201.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 99.60 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 12% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.000*Year+99.599. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.000.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 26.71. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 20% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of the indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 3.78. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 18% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 22.20. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 78% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 9.49. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 16% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 14.20. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 20% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 17.65. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 26% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 22.29. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 66% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 36.36. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 78% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 1.72 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 32% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 14.64 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 93% in the World.
2.58. Dominican Republic
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 6931871.11. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 49% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 133977.312*Year-259415025.211. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 133977.312.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 49.73 smaller than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 51% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.014*Year+21.334. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.014.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 2.12 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 54% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 54.66 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 23% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.812*Year-1558.636. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.812.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 45.34 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 78% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.812*Year+1658.636. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.812.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 32.51 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 43% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.539*Year+1102.778. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.539. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 65.32 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 47% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.389*Year-708.526. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.389. Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 67.76 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 47% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.428*Year-782.043. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.428. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 63.00 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 49% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.353*Year-638.509. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.353.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 238.39 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 53% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 122.23 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 57% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 81.12 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 57% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.231*Year-383.589. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.231.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1986-2015 highlights an average of 34.26. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 62% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1986-2015 highlights an average of 1.11. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 56% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1986-2015 highlights an average of 26.87. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 35% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1986-2015 highlights an average of 3.04. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 56% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 1986-2015 highlights an average of 5.87. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 66% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1986-2015 highlights an average of 9.03. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 69% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1986-2015 highlights an average of 14.12. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 63% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1986-2015 highlights an average of 37.97. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 35% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.93 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 48% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 161.54 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 74% in the World.
2.59. Algeria
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 24537494.05. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 29% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 538183.145*Year-1045370598.844. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 538183.145.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 49.54 smaller than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 79% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 2.32 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 32% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 51.18 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 34% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.711*Year-1361.356. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.711.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 48.82 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 67% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.711*Year+1461.356. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.711.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 34.78 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 33% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 62.46 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 32% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.599*Year-1129.041. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.599. Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 63.69 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 46% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.612*Year-1153.002. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.612. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 61.30 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 25% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.587*Year-1106.221. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.587.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 230.96 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 12% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -5.475*Year+11112.711. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 5.475. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 167.08 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 63% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.91. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -3.041*Year+6256.046. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 3.041.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 85.84 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 50% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.250*Year-416.532. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.250.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1988-2011 highlights an average of 4.30. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 14% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1988-2011 highlights an average of 0.40. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 6% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1988-2011 highlights an average of 3.44. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 80% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1988-2011 highlights an average of 0.95. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 9% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 1988-2011 highlights an average of 1.50. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 21% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1988-2011 highlights an average of 2.03. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 19% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1988-2011 highlights an average of 2.73. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 49% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1988-2011 highlights an average of 5.29. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 80% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.18 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 89% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 6409.04 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 51% in the World.
2.60. East Asia & Pacific (Excluding High Income)
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 1519966807.35. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 4% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 21749401.480*Year-41717843335.734. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 21749401.480.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 49.09 smaller than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 90% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1961-2015 reveals an average of 1.49 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 69% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 30.03 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 59% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.671*Year-1303.811. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.671.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 69.97 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 42% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.671*Year+1403.811. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.671.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 23.28 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 67% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 65.14 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 45% in the World. Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 67.02 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 50% in the World. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 63.38 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 38% in the World.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 211.44 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 20% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 110.00 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 47% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -4.064*Year+8247.338. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 4.064.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 67.29 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 64% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.987*Year-1914.798. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.987.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.06 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 93% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 879040.74 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 14% in the World.
2.61. Early-Demographic Dividend
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 1982604820.94. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 2% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 40616830.973*Year-78763655153.012. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 40616830.973.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 49.05 smaller than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 89% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1961-2015 reveals an average of 2.12 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 42% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 33.72 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 68% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.390*Year-742.520. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.390.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 66.28 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 33% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.390*Year+842.520. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.390.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 32.95 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 40% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.442*Year+911.055. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.442. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 58.81 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 68% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.436*Year-808.415. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.436. Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 60.04 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 68% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.463*Year-860.439. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.463. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 57.67 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 64% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.410*Year-758.062. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.410.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 281.93 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 52% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -3.412*Year+7064.151. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 3.412. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 293.35 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 66% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -12.353*Year+25030.554. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 12.353.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 50.12 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 73% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 1.142*Year-2242.205. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 1.142.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.38 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 70% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 2135398.52 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 6% in the World.
2.62. East Asia & Pacific
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 1727211318.02. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 4% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 23511036.952*Year-45012730143.531. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 23511036.952.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 49.23 smaller than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 87% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1961-2015 reveals an average of 1.42 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 71% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 35.31 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 53% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.626*Year-1208.988. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.626.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 64.69 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 48% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.626*Year+1308.988. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.626.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 22.24 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 70% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 66.42 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 38% in the World. Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 68.47 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 45% in the World. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 64.49 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 34% in the World.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 203.98 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 17% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 103.58 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 46% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -3.838*Year+7789.754. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 3.838.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 70.57 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 62% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.875*Year-1685.992. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.875.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.20 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 82% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 879561.26 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 13% in the World.
2.63. Europe & Central Asia (Excluding High Income)
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 365566552.53. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 15% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.91. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 2336748.650*Year-4279889763.261. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 2336748.650.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 52.51 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 7% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1961-2015 reveals an average of 0.72 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 74% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 58.87 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 42% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 41.13 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 59% in the World.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 18.28 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 64% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 67.44 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 55% in the World. Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 72.03 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 47% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.91. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.134*Year-194.438. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.134. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 63.13 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 61% in the World.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 289.59 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 68% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 48.54 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 30% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -2.218*Year+4490.323. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 2.218.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 89.85 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 41% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.377*Year-666.496. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.377.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 1.65 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 39% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 1195047.85 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 17% in the World.
2.64. Europe & Central Asia
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 813548708.54. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 10% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 4038345.971*Year-7214683080.826. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 4038345.971.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 51.86 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 13% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1961-2015 reveals an average of 0.56 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 77% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 65.47 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 34% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.91. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.253*Year-436.972. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.253.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 34.53 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 67% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.91. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.253*Year+536.972. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.253.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 15.43 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 74% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 71.64 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 24% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.166*Year-257.392. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.166. Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 75.46 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 23% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.174*Year-269.739. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.174. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 68.06 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 29% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.159*Year-247.972. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.159.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 220.28 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 49% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 30.04 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 25% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -1.320*Year+2673.338. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 1.320.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 94.39 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 31% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.240*Year-387.716. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.240.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 1.86 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 34% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 1215617.44 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 16% in the World.
2.65. Ecuador
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 9994361.07. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 43% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 217306.259*Year-422010482.356. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 217306.259.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 49.84 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 60% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 2.30 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 40% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 51.36 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 44% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.595*Year-1132.359. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.595.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 48.64 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 57% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.595*Year+1232.359. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.595.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 31.74 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 43% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.475*Year+975.885. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.475. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 66.35 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 30% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.446*Year-819.991. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.446. Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 68.66 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 31% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.484*Year-892.405. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.484. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 64.15 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 33% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.410*Year-751.026. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.410.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 219.66 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 31% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -2.119*Year+4431.444. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 2.119. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 102.65 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 48% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 78.62 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 53% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 1.017*Year-1962.580. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 1.017. The analysis of indicator: Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) during - highlights an average of 22.08. Also for Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) the region ranks on the first 50% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a c
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1987-2015 highlights an average of 31.74. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 68% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1987-2015 highlights an average of 0.73. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 73% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1987-2015 highlights an average of 24.86. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 32% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1987-2015 highlights an average of 2.30. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 69% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 1987-2015 highlights an average of 4.99. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 73% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1987-2015 highlights an average of 7.77. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 73% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1987-2015 highlights an average of 12.32. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 73% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1987-2015 highlights an average of 34.68. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 32% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.34 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 61% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 621.44 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 62% in the World.
2.66. Egypt, Arab Rep.
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 56355838.07. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 22% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 1214341.299*Year-2357754664.990. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 1214341.299.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 49.54 smaller than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 80% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 2.27 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 29% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 42.53 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 70% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 57.47 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 31% in the World.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 34.53 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 27% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.90. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.435*Year+899.885. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.435. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 61.50 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 59% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.464*Year-861.666. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.464. Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 63.66 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 63% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.481*Year-892.812. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.481. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 59.45 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 55% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.449*Year-832.004. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.449.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 236.72 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 47% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -1.722*Year+3658.618. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 1.722. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 61.69 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 36% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -2.879*Year+5827.523. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 2.879.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 92.81 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 39% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.048*Year-3.209. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.048.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 9.65. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 17% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 1.22. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 18% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 8.33. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 73% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 2.81. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 18% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 3.95. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 18% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 4.97. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 28% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 6.43. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 83% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 12.61. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 76% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.08 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 90% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 6034.11 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 34% in the World.
2.67. Euro area
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 308458890.60. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 17% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 1234833.625*Year-2146390356.870. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 1234833.625.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 51.37 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 22% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.016*Year+83.006. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.016.
Population growth (annual %) during 1961-2015 reveals an average of 0.45 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 82% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 70.50 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 28% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.212*Year-350.337. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.212.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 29.50 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 73% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.212*Year+450.337. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.212.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 12.93 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 92% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 75.39 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 7% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.235*Year-391.446. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.235. Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 78.67 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 5% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.233*Year-384.995. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.233. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 72.27 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 9% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.237*Year-397.811. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.237.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2013 highlights an average of 156.78 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 14% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -2.043*Year+4214.262. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 2.043. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 8.50 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 6% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.215*Year+439.123. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.215.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 98.77 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 18% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.033*Year+32.025. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.033.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 2.16 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 26% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 6015.81 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 57% in the World.
2.68. Eritrea
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 2743227.94. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 64% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 58324.653*Year-113060370.744. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 58324.653.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2011 highlights an average of 50.08 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 66% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2011 reveals an average of 2.28 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 33% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2011 highlights an average of 15.21 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 95% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.189*Year-360.141. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.189.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2011 highlights an average of 84.79 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 6% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.189*Year+460.141. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.189.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 41.54 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 19% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.305*Year+647.899. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.305. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.35 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 80% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.454*Year-851.586. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.454. Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 52.15 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 80% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.465*Year-872.261. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.465. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 48.64 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 81% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.443*Year-831.896. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.443.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 408.09 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 86% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 820.23 bigger than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 89% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 9.63 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 99% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.261*Year-514.306. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.261.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2010 highlights an average of 0.09 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 95% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 296631.11 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 18% in the World.
2.69. Spain
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 38823879.77. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 28% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 284882.136*Year-527521806.569. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 284882.136.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.98 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 23% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 0.76 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 92% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 72.35 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 23% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 27.65 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 78% in the World.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 13.89 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 96% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 76.35 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 2% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.246*Year-413.100. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.246. Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 79.53 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 2% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.258*Year-433.130. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.258. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 73.31 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 4% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.235*Year-394.024. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.235.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 137.34 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 7% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -1.686*Year+3486.555. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 1.686. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 5.31 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 4% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 99.90 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 9% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.000*Year+99.571. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.000.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 34.45. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 60% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 2.18. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 80% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 the analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 25.39. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 56% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 6.41. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 72% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 12.21. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 61% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 17.05. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 35% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 23.32. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 2% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 41.02. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 51% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 1.70 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 24% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 167.30 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 92% in the World.
2.70. Estonia
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 1399332.96. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 77% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 53.83 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 3% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 0.16 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 91% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 67.63 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 37% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 32.37 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 64% in the World.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 13.15 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 84% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 70.59 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 25% in the World. Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 75.67 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 19% in the World. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 65.74 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 39% in the World.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2013 highlights an average of 279.53 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 40% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 23.46 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 13% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 99.35 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 11% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.034*Year+31.346. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.034.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1988-2014 highlights an average of 17.11. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 47% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1988-2014 highlights an average of 1.40. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 58% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1988-2014 highlights an average of 13.24. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 50% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1988-2014 highlights an average of 3.84. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 54% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 1988-2014 highlights an average of 6.61. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 47% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1988-2014 highlights an average of 8.56. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 59% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1988-2014 highlights an average of 11.66. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 39% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1988-2014 highlights an average of 21.17. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 50% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 4.36 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 18% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 501.35 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 74% in the World.
2.71. Ethiopia
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 51869601.09. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 21% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 1416337.725*Year-2763809796.947. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 1416337.725.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.18 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 58% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.004*Year+57.813. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.004.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 2.73 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 18% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 12.38 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 96% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.221*Year-427.281. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.221.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 87.62 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 5% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.221*Year+527.281. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.221.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 44.80 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 20% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 48.65 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 79% in the World. Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.20 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 79% in the World. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 47.17 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 78% in the World.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 407.10 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 70% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 810.54 bigger than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 80% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -36.921*Year+74744.892. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 36.921.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 5.06 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 100% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.262*Year-521.138. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.262. The analysis of indicator: Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) during - highlights an average of 2.63. Also for Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) the region ranks on the first 53% in the World.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1995-2010 highlights an average of 8.60. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 44% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1995-2010 highlights an average of 0.86. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 40% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1995-2010 highlights an average of 7.28. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 40% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1995-2010 highlights an average of 2.05. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 38% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 1995-2010 highlights an average of 3.05. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 38% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1995-2010 highlights an average of 3.96. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 54% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1995-2010 highlights an average of 5.19. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 79% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1995-2010 highlights an average of 10.75. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 49% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.27 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 82% in the World.Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 148099.70 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 27% in the World.
2.72. European Union
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 470535188.72. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 13% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 1630945.777*Year-2771785015.112. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 1630945.777.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 51.32 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 20% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.91. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.011*Year+72.213. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.011.
Population growth (annual %) during 1961-2015 reveals an average of 0.40 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 84% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 69.44 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 30% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.214*Year-356.486. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.214.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 30.56 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 71% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.214*Year+456.486. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.214.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 13.22 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 90% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.91. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.166*Year+344.029. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.166. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 74.68 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 12% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.211*Year-344.491. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.211. Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 77.93 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 11% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.211*Year-342.072. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.211. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 71.59 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 13% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.211*Year-347.050. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.211.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2013 highlights an average of 166.07 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 18% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 11.08 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 11% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.90. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.390*Year+791.538. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.390.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 97.64 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 22% in the World.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 1.87 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 31% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 188450.11 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 31% in the World.
2.73. Fragile and Conflict Affected Situations
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 272629039.70. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 14% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 6757769.148*Year-13161816026.349. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 6757769.148.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.22 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 60% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.008*Year+65.991. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.008.
Population growth (annual %) during 1961-2015 reveals an average of 2.58 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 20% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 30.41 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 73% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.421*Year-806.652. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.421.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 69.59 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 28% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.421*Year+906.652. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.421.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 41.59 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 16% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.249*Year+536.435. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.249. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 52.58 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 87% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.358*Year-658.464. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.358. Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 54.20 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 87% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.361*Year-663.352. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.361. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.95 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 87% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.352*Year-648.836. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.352.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 367.86 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 82% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -3.237*Year+6801.688. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 3.237. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 665.69 bigger than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 88% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -14.495*Year+29692.015. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 14.495.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 40.10 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 82% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.180*Year-321.410. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.180.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.64 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 60% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 8291776.37 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 3% in the World.
2.74. Finland
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 4957158.44. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 61% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 18404.357*Year-31630702.917. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 18404.357.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 51.40 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 30% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.019*Year+88.530. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.019.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 0.39 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 85% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 74.44 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 17% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.532*Year-982.252. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.532.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 25.56 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 84% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.532*Year+1082.252. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.532.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 13.11 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 88% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 74.71 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 12% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.239*Year-399.340. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.239. Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 78.56 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 10% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.222*Year-362.899. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.222. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 71.03 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 12% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.254*Year-434.045. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.254.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2012 highlights an average of 192.46 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 16% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -3.251*Year+6648.567. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 3.251. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 4.23 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 0% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.129*Year+263.015. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.129.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 99.45 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 13% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.000*Year+99.486. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.000.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 27.59. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 9% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 3.84. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 12% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 22.72. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 91% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 9.32. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 12% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 13.86. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 12% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 17.37. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 18% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 22.41. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 39% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 37.04. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 89% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.76 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 43% in the World.Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 5.19 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 94% in the World.
2.75. Fiji
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 689373.23. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 79% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 8820.168*Year-16845120.897. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 8820.168.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 49.15 smaller than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 87% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 1.51 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 68% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 41.93 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 59% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.437*Year-827.296. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.437.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 58.07 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 42% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.437*Year+927.296. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.437.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 29.94 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 46% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.389*Year+803.099. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.389. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 64.32 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 66% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.251*Year-434.980. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.251. Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 66.54 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 63% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.277*Year-484.073. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.277. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 62.21 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 66% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.227*Year-388.224. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.227.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 269.98 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 65% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 42.69 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 35% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -1.222*Year+2489.508. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 1.222.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 87.34 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 33% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 1.095*Year-2109.935. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 1.095. The analysis of indicator: Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) during - highlights an average of 3.83. Also for Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) the region ranks on the first 57% in the World.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 2002-2013 highlights an average of 9.58. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 56% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 2002-2013 highlights an average of 0.72. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 36% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 2002-2013 highlights an average of 7.66. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 37% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 2002-2013 highlights an average of 1.75. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 43% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 2002-2013 highlights an average of 2.77. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 61% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 2002-2013 highlights an average of 3.73. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 68% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 2002-2013 highlights an average of 5.30. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 75% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 2002-2013 highlights an average of 11.47. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 41% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.37 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 73% in the World.Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 867.74 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 67% in the World.
2.76. France
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 57638192.00. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 24% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 328301.665*Year-595025518.713. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 328301.665.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.91 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 25% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 0.65 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 82% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 73.62 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 24% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 26.38 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 77% in the World.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 14.45 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 75% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 76.04 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 3% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.241*Year-402.569. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.241. Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 79.92 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 3% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.237*Year-391.477. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.237. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 72.34 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 9% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.244*Year-413.133. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.244.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 171.36 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 14% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -2.294*Year+4730.118. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 2.294. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 11.54 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 11% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.297*Year+607.154. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.297.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 98.66 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 20% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.001*Year+100.132. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.001.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 29.12. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 39% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 2.95. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 37% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 23.46. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 56% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 7.35. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 35% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 11.59. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 35% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 15.19. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 42% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 20.06. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 66% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 36.72. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 61% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 2.53 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 27% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 85.96 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 89% in the World.
2.77. Faroe Islands
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 44239.67. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 96% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 0.64 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 84% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 32.68 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 72% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.328*Year-619.948. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.328.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 67.32 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 29% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.328*Year+719.948. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.328.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1970-2015 highlights an average of 16.14 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 73% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1973-2015 highlights an average of 58.27 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 9% in the World. Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1973-2015 highlights an average of 60.46 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 7% in the World. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1973-2015 highlights an average of 56.18 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 11% in the World.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 2.10 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 28% in the World.
2.78. Micronesia, Fed. Sts.
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 84855.93. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 91% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 48.80 smaller than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 91% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 1.56 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 79% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 24.22 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 95% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 75.78 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 6% in the World.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 34.36 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 34% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.399*Year+827.807. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.399. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 65.06 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 68% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.90. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.187*Year-306.444. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.187. Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 65.71 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 71% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.194*Year-320.011. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.194. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 64.45 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 63% in the World.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 221.67 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 42% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 141.77 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 58% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -3.418*Year+6986.554. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 3.418.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2006-2014 highlights an average of 56.25 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 74% in the World.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 2005-2013 highlights an average of 9.17. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 70% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 2005-2013 highlights an average of 0.46. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 79% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 2005-2013 highlights an average of 6.91. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 36% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 2005-2013 highlights an average of 1.23. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 74% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 2005-2013 highlights an average of 2.28. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 68% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 2005-2013 highlights an average of 3.32. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 65% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 2005-2013 highlights an average of 4.87. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 44% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 2005-2013 highlights an average of 10.52. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 34% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.69 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 58% in the World.
2.79. Gabon
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 1006928.44. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 74% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 25070.025*Year-48832281.687. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 25070.025.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.79 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 92% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 2.43 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 16% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 60.53 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 14% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 1.358*Year-2639.639. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 1.358.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 39.47 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 87% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -1.358*Year+2739.639. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 1.358.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 35.26 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 23% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 55.41 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 78% in the World. Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 56.79 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 78% in the World. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 54.09 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 76% in the World.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 337.99 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 73% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 370.69 bigger than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 76% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.90. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -5.297*Year+10978.123. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 5.297.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 39.98 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 82% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.128*Year-217.428. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.128.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 3.47 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 18% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 84.96 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 80% in the World.
2.80. United Kingdom
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 57894885.40. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 25% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 51.29 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 32% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 0.40 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 67% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 78.85 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 18% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 21.15 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 83% in the World.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 13.76 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 77% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 75.53 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 10% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.198*Year-318.149. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.198. Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 78.27 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 13% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.172*Year-264.458. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.172. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 72.91 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 7% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.222*Year-369.284. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.222.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2013 highlights an average of 140.55 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 10% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -2.182*Year+4475.794. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 2.182. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 10.73 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 13% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 99.12 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 17% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.001*Year+101.517. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.001.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 34.20. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 46% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 2.80. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 50% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 26.34. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 50% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 7.19. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 50% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 12.07. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 53% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 16.60. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 50% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 22.63. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 18% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 41.54. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 56% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 2.18 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 24% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 111.78 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 84% in the World.
2.81. Georgia
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 4278878.95. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 67% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 52.76 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 6% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 0.07 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 92% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 51.44 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 60% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 48.56 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 41% in the World.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 17.14 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 69% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 69.58 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 52% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.152*Year-232.590. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.152. Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 73.53 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 46% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.155*Year-234.560. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.155. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 65.83 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 58% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.91. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.149*Year-230.713. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.149.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 230.91 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 63% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 36.12 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 37% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 90.85 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 55% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.801*Year+1698.832. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.801.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1996-2015 highlights an average of 40.31. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 37% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1996-2015 highlights an average of 1.96. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 42% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1996-2015 highlights an average of 30.22. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 69% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1996-2015 highlights an average of 5.51. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 42% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 1996-2015 highlights an average of 10.54. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 38% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1996-2015 highlights an average of 15.41. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 32% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1996-2015 highlights an average of 22.34. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 4% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1996-2015 highlights an average of 46.22. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 69% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 1.13 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 47% in the World.Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 14894.17 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 48% in the World.
2.82. Ghana
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 15092693.46. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 36% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 379324.388*Year-739004190.008. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 379324.388.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 49.48 smaller than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 50% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 2.59 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 24% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 37.26 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 57% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.554*Year-1063.879. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.554.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 62.74 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 44% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.554*Year+1163.879. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.554.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 40.14 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 22% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.325*Year+686.866. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.325. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 54.48 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 85% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.287*Year-515.548. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.287. Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 55.42 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 88% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.291*Year-522.195. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.291. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 53.58 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 84% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.283*Year-509.218. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.283.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 332.87 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 76% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.94. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -2.432*Year+5165.631. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 2.432. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 434.50 bigger than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 78% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -12.994*Year+26454.677. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 12.994.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 12.75 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 97% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.208*Year-404.774. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.208. The analysis of indicator: Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) during - highlights an average of 3.56. Also for Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) the region ranks on the first 29% in the World.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1987-2012 highlights an average of 9.03. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 78% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1987-2012 highlights an average of 0.55. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 77% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1987-2012 highlights an average of 6.90. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 25% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1987-2012 highlights an average of 1.42. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 77% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 1987-2012 highlights an average of 2.47. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 85% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1987-2012 highlights an average of 3.53. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 79% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1987-2012 highlights an average of 5.09. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 64% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1987-2012 highlights an average of 10.57. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 23% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.30 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 73% in the World.Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 14338.59 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 36% in the World.
2.83. Gibraltar
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 29995.02. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 98% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 0.70 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 76% in the World.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 7.40 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 9% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 1.67 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 99% in the World.
2.84. Guinea
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 6757750.93. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 45% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 161934.423*Year-315167881.731. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 161934.423.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.42 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 67% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 2.21 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 19% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 25.54 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 80% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.475*Year-918.790. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.475.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 74.46 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 21% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.475*Year+1018.790. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.475.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 44.14 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 10% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 46.13 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 94% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.477*Year-901.891. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.477. Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 47.00 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 95% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.459*Year-864.798. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.459. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 45.31 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 90% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.494*Year-937.218. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.494.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 390.43 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 81% in the World. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 869.73 bigger than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 95% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 15.49 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 94% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.856*Year-1703.856. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.856. The analysis of indicator: Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) during - highlights an average of 5.56. Also for Rural poverty gap at national poverty lines (%) the region ranks on the first 10% in the World.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1991-2012 highlights an average of 9.50. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 43% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1991-2012 highlights an average of 0.49. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 48% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1991-2012 highlights an average of 7.19. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 54% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1991-2012 highlights an average of 1.27. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 44% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 1991-2012 highlights an average of 2.26. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 49% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1991-2012 highlights an average of 3.33. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 54% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1991-2012 highlights an average of 4.99. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 47% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1991-2012 highlights an average of 10.88. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 57% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 1.11 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 68% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 6320.62 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 36% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.93. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 771.383*Year-1539145.722. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 771.383.
2.85. Gambia, The
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 951912.42. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 74% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 29377.984*Year-57451520.525. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 29377.984.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.05 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 40% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 3.06 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 5% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 36.23 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 49% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.916*Year-1785.267. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.916.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 63.77 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 52% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.916*Year+1885.267. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.916.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 47.37 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 4% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 48.76 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 89% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.554*Year-1052.173. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.554. Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.03 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 89% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.554*Year-1050.957. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.554. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 47.55 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 88% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.554*Year-1053.332. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.554.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 397.37 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 85% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.90. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -5.497*Year+11322.662. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 5.497. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 862.15 bigger than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 96% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -13.986*Year+28868.400. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 13.986.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 48.13 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 81% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.899*Year+1852.962. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.899.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1998-2003 highlights an average of 15.97. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 65% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1998-2003 highlights an average of 0.55. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 66% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1998-2003 highlights an average of 12.42. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 37% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1998-2003 highlights an average of 1.52. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 66% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 1998-2003 highlights an average of 2.88. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 66% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1998-2003 highlights an average of 4.32. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 71% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1998-2003 highlights an average of 6.83. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 71% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1998-2003 highlights an average of 17.78. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 37% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 2.89 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 33% in the World.Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 1853.22 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 40% in the World.
2.86. Guinea-Bissau
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 1048490.68. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 75% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 20425.605*Year-39557612.708. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 20425.605.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 51.00 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 27% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 1.92 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 17% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 27.77 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 64% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.721*Year-1405.056. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.721.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 72.23 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 37% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.96. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.721*Year+1505.056. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.721.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 43.39 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 7% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 47.75 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 97% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.344*Year-636.933. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.344. Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 49.39 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 97% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.341*Year-628.667. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.341. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 46.18 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 97% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.348*Year-644.806. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.348.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 381.86 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 86% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -3.855*Year+8044.037. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 3.855. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 717.31 bigger than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 92% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.95 and a value of R Square: 0.91. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -14.284*Year+29321.908. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 14.284.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 16.63 smaller than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 94% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.635*Year-1258.983. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.635.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 1993-2010 highlights an average of 7.22. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 91% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 1993-2010 highlights an average of 0.37. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 88% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 1993-2010 highlights an average of 5.81. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 4% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 1993-2010 highlights an average of 0.97. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 87% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 1993-2010 highlights an average of 1.64. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 93% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 1993-2010 highlights an average of 2.34. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 94% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 1993-2010 highlights an average of 3.41. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 98% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 1993-2010 highlights an average of 8.31. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 7% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.36 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 80% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 2177.15 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 58% in the World.
2.87. Equatorial Guinea
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 508606.19. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 78% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 49.11 smaller than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 98% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 2.77 bigger than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 1% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 33.02 smaller than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 75% in the World.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 66.98 bigger than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 26% in the World.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 41.16 bigger than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 14% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 47.11 smaller than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 96% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.404*Year-756.557. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.404. Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 48.64 smaller than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 96% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.400*Year-745.961. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.400. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 45.66 smaller than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 96% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 1.00. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.409*Year-766.649. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.409.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 415.54 bigger than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 92% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -3.563*Year+7496.967. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 3.563. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 695.15 bigger than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 79% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -42.614*Year+86029.723. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 42.614.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 76.98 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 65% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.407*Year+894.480. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.407.
The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 0.23 smaller than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 78% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 347.81 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 81% in the World.
2.88. Greece
The study of indicator: Population, total during - highlights an average of 9947039.07. Also for Population, total the region ranks on the first 49% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.97 and a value of R Square: 0.95. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 54959.325*Year-99312098.630. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 54959.325.
The analysis of indicator: Population, female (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 50.60 bigger than the World average: 49.74. Also for Population, female (% of total) the region ranks on the first 29% in the World.
Population growth (annual %) during 1960-2014 reveals an average of 0.46 smaller than the World average: 1.62. Also for Population growth (annual %) the region ranks on the first 98% in the World.
An overview of the indicator: Urban population (% of total) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 69.66 bigger than the World average: 42.81. Also for Urban population (% of total) the region ranks on the first 25% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.337*Year-599.394. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.337.
Rural population (% of total population) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 30.34 smaller than the World average: 57.19. Also for Rural population (% of total population) the region ranks on the first 76% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.96 and a value of R Square: 0.92. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -0.337*Year+699.394. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 0.337.
The study of indicator: Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 12.75 smaller than the World average: 26.17. Also for Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people) the region ranks on the first 98% in the World. The indicator: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 75.34 bigger than the World average: 63.96. Also for Life expectancy at birth, total (years) the region ranks on the first 10% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.241*Year-403.386. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.241. Life expectancy at birth, female (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 78.08 bigger than the World average: 66.16. Also for Life expectancy at birth, female (years) the region ranks on the first 9% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.98. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.240*Year-399.211. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.240. The analysis of: Life expectancy at birth, male (years) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 72.72 bigger than the World average: 61.92. Also for Life expectancy at birth, male (years) the region ranks on the first 11% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 0.99 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.242*Year-407.362. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.242.
The study of indicator: Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) during 1960-2014 highlights an average of 142.51 smaller than the World average: 244.07. Also for Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults) the region ranks on the first 8% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: -0.98 and a value of R Square: 0.97. The equation of linear regression is therefore: -1.917*Year+3952.623. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator decreases with 1.917. An overview of the indicator: Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 3.54 smaller than the World average: 308.42. Also for Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births) the region ranks on the first 0% in the World.
The analysis of indicator: People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) during 2000-2015 highlights an average of 97.76 bigger than the World average: 63.09. Also for People using at least basic sanitation services (% of population) the region ranks on the first 19% in the World. Time regression analysis reveals a correlation coefficient value: 1.00 and a value of R Square: 0.99. The equation of linear regression is therefore: 0.152*Year-206.648. From this equation we can note that, every year, the indicator grow with 0.152.
GINI index (World Bank estimate) during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 34.69. Also for GINI index (World Bank estimate) the region ranks on the first 58% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by lowest 10% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 2.35. Also for Income share held by lowest 10% the region ranks on the first 72% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by highest 10% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 26.07. Also for Income share held by highest 10% the region ranks on the first 51% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by lowest 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 6.56. Also for Income share held by lowest 20% the region ranks on the first 67% in the World. The analysis of: Income share held by second 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 12.13. Also for Income share held by second 20% the region ranks on the first 56% in the World. The indicator: Income share held by third 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 16.99. Also for Income share held by third 20% the region ranks on the first 35% in the World. The analysis of indicator: Income share held by fourth 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 22.91. Also for Income share held by fourth 20% the region ranks on the first 8% in the World. The study of indicator: Income share held by highest 20% during 2004-2014 highlights an average of 41.41. Also for Income share held by highest 20% the region ranks on the first 53% in the World. The study of indicator: International migrant stock (% of population) during 1990-2015 highlights an average of 2.22 bigger than the World average: 0.69. Also for International migrant stock (% of population) the region ranks on the first 30% in the World. Refugee population by country or territory of origin during - highlights an average of 123.74 smaller than the World average: 16528111.33. Also for Refugee population by country or territory of origin the region ranks on the first 83% in the World.
3. References
Ioan, C.A. & Ioan, G. (2010). Applied Mathematics in Micro and Macroeconomics. Galati, Romania: Sinteze Publishers.
Ioan, C.A. & Ioan, G. (2012). Mathconomics. Galați: Zigotto Publishers.
Ioan, G. & Ioan, C.A. (2017). Macroeconomics. Galați: Zigotto Publishers.
Ioan, C.A. (2017). Chance - Between Finite and Infinite. Galati, Romania: Zigotto Publishers.
*** World Bank national accounts data.
*** International Monetary Fund.
1Associate Professor, PhD, Danubius University of Galati, Romania, Address: Blvd. Galati no. 3, Galati, Romania, Corresponding author: catalin_angelo_ioan@univ-danubius.ro.
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