EIRP Proceedings, Vol 15, No 1 (2020)
Rental of Public Property Assets
In this article, using the logical interpretation, the jurisprudence study, but also the comparativeanalysis, we have proposed to analyze the rental of public property assets from the perspective of the provisionsof the Administrative Code. We have considered aspects related to the parts of the contract for the rental ofpublic property assets, the administrative act by which the lease is approved, the procedure for awarding thelease, the actual conclusion of the lease, the effects of the lease. In contrast to the administration of publicproperty assets, concession and their free use, renting it is not a real right. This is a way by which the holdersprovided by the Administrative Code can make revenues at local or state budgets, the rent being determined bythe parties, based on the legal obligation report that is born at the conclusion of the lease.
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