EIRP Proceedings, Vol 13 (2018)
The “Joseni Case” - an Example of Effective International Cooperation in Solving a Case of Shooting Murder
Investigation of violent crimes is one of the most complex and interesting activities that could bedone by the prosecutor and police officers and must be based on a special strictness. The most importantaspects in the investigation of these offences, considered the most serious, consist in the crime sceneinvestigation and the international police cooperation, for the files with foreign elements. “The Joseni Case”was about a homicide committed on 22th of April 2011, the victim CSALA ZSOLT, aged 42, was the deputymayor of Joseni in Harghita County who has been shot by unknown perpetrators, in the cottage located on theedge of the village. The crime scene investigation was carried out with great attention and this led to thediscovery a plenty of evidences that were subsequently exploited by performing genetic and ballisticexpertise, with the support of specialists and experts of the Romanian Police. The efficient outcomes werecorroborated with the information obtained from the investigations, as well as with an excellent internationalcooperation with the authorities of other states, through official channels. Among them are the identity ofsome DNA profiles discovered on the ammunition used, with the DNA profile of the author, also the findingof the Swiss origin of the weapon used to commit murder. To conclude, the professional conduct of the crimescene investigation, but also strengthening the exchange of information within international police andjudicial cooperation, together an extremely professional and experienced team of investigators, represent thepremises of a successfully solving the case by identifying the perpetrators of the serious crimes.
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