EIRP Proceedings, Vol 6 (2011)
The Research of the Administrative Phenomenon Within the European Space from the Perspective of the Organisms Specialized in Professional Trading
The problematic of the continuous training, specialization and perfection of professional training of public servants and contractual personnel in the public administration has constituted the reason for which the European Commission sustained the establishment of the National Institute of Administration in September 2001, with the purpose of the EU adhesion. The purpose of its establishment was to respond to the reasonable requests for the European Union adhesion but also to the realities existent within the European administrative space, in the context in which most of the member states in the EU have an institute which is specialized in programs of continuous professional training and at the level of the EU the European Administrative School already exists from 2005. To this end, its dissolution has brought a double prejudice so that it is imposed with necessity to reestablish the National Institute of Administration as specialized organism in programs of continuous professional training but as structure autonomous or subordinate to the Government and the creation, in Romania of a genuine school for the training of the personnel working within the public administration.
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