EIRP Proceedings, Vol 2 (2007)


Marius Vacarelu


Out text speaks about a very important problem of legislators : moment when they must change
dispositions , because their purposes are not fulfilled now by actual regulations – in fact , our text has a main
direction that moment when politicians believe is necessary to abrogate few disposition who are not correct for
fulfil their political directions .
But those abrogation create a lot of problems , because not all the time those moments are choosed not
always , and public administration is confused : not all the times people who work inn this sector had enough
legal knowledge – for a good part of them every legal act with many modifications and re-numeration create
problems / our text try to offer few simple steps to solve this problem .
In this direction out text try to introduce tradition represented by practice of former abrogate
regulations as a legal issue – as live example we choose situations provoked by abrogation of law no. 219 from
1999 and replacing with Governmental Emergency Ordinance no. 34 from 2006 .


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