EIRP Proceedings, Vol 7 (2012)

The Right to Life

Varvara Licuta Coman, Jana Maftei, Vasilica Negrut


In the present study, we set ourselves to analyze a subject, which, due to its importance and extreme complexity, generated many discussions and controversies both at national and international level: the right to life. The great evolution of the contemporary society and the progress registered in various fields brought into the attention of the states, international organizations, specialists in the field and public opinion the pressing problem of interpreting the content and limits of the human fundamental rights and liberties.  We set ourselves to analyse the main international instruments regulating the right to life and to identify the situations where determining the content of this fundamental right in necessary.  Without the intent of a complete work, we understand, throughout this study, to highline the great importance of the right to life respecting for the entire humanity. 


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