EIRP Proceedings, Vol 9 (2014)
Historical and Contemporary Aspects of the Market for the Cargo Traffic carried on the Romanian Ports
We hereby try to approach some aspects about the port traffic, analyzing this activity from the marketing point of view, on the one side, and looking at the ports as entities which represented real emblems, symbols of economical and social development, cities like Galaţi, Brăila, Tulcea, being zones which were wholly identified with the port activity, on the other side.
This analysis is necessary in the context of the favorable geographical placement of Romania, which benefits both of the Danube river road, and also the Black Sea. Despite of all these historical and geographic aspects, and also of some directions of developing the commercial Romanian fleet in the past period, the Danube ports are going on a regress stage.
In order to catch the now on quantitative and qualitative changes over which are on this market, we consider necessary an incursion in the inter-war period, basing both on the tradition of these maritime and river ports, and on the assertion of Joseph Schumpeter as per which the economic aspects can be studied by history, theory and statistics.
The conclusion of the study points to that the port activities estimated by the tonnage shipped in these sea-Danube ports regressed, and the Romanian fleet is now almost absent, non-existent. We firmly underline the necessity of a national strategy in this field.
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